Sura Merlyna Knight *SoS MC*

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Age: 36
Sign: Capricorn

Country: United States
Signup Date: September 29, 2020

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Secret writings
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Sura stood on the ladder of the library in her family estate. A warm fire sent shadows dancing across the room as the balcony door open to let in the cool winter breeze. She had been searching for answers about Damian. About Anchors and souls. She wanted to learn more about his people. His type of wolf. How they differed and maybe how to help him understand it all. She knew if there were answers anywhere, they had to be in the family archives. After all, there were thousands of books here ranging from mystical to science and historical. So surely there had to be something! She withdrew one book and examined the index briefly before she slid it back into place and stretched for another. She was starting to pull it out when a small pouch fell from the shelf and hit the floor.

Sura frowned deeply as she slid the book back and climbed down the ladder. "Whats this?" She inquired as she picked up the pouch. It was leather bound and surprisingly heavy. A fine coat of dust on it as if it had been hidden for a long time. She took it over to the fire place and sat down on the carpet as she gingerly opened the leather. She frowned as she saw a glowing white stone, no bigger than her palm staring back at her. A leather bound notebook sat behind it. "A feather?" she asked as she picked up the stone and examined the carved feather design. It held immense power, she nearly trembled with it. She blinked curiously as she held the stone and opened the leather cover of the small book curiously.

~Its hard to say when exactly I fell for an Angel. Honestly there are some days when I can't even fathom the idea of him being real. I mean, its not every day you get to speak with an Angel or know they are real. Let alone that one wanted to be around you.  It still does not make sense to me.

He is an Angel. He protects souls and guides them to the Light.

Me? I'm a Hunter...A Killer.~

Sura's eyes widened as she read on, recognizing the elegant hand writing. " grandmothers?" Sura was shocked as she settled in and continued reading intently. Curious to see just what this book was and what truths it held. Maybe it held answers for Damian. Maybe it didn't.

~"I never stop looking for you. God can curse you into any body, any form, and I would know you. Blond, brunette, human or Witch. Through Hell, Earth or even Heaven.....I will always come for you.

And we will always find a way"~

Sura smiled as she read. 

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