Adeluna {Yggdrasil Kingdom} ||Summer Court||

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Testing The Wyrdmarks Pt2 ||Night Court||
Category: Uncategorized

Adeluna scrubbed her hands down her face hours later as she paced her living room hair now tied back from her tired face. Her apartment was small, a living space, a kitchen and what could have been an office though it was lined with bookshelves matching those her living room. She had two bedrooms, one that was a standard spare and then her own. In her spare room now slept the woman and child she has accidently ripped through time and space from a country that she had never heard of. The woman was slim, beautiful, with dark hair and warm eyes that had been sharp as she took in every move Adeluna made. The girl had light hair, lighter eyes and had clung to her mother without meeting Lunas eyes. She couldn't very well blame them. She was cutting a deep groove in her carpet when she whispered, "If any shadows want to whisper to Azriel that I need him, that would be wonderful." Az was her brothers spymaster, a shadow singer and one of the men who had been there since she was a child. He was as much her brother as Rhys was and he was less inclined to anger when she did something silly so he was her best bet at help now. Az was quiet where Cassian and Rhys were loud, he was clam for the most part while her brother was ice and Cassian and fire. What she needed was Az and like he had traveled to her on the wind she heard him knock on her door. She murmured a thanks to the shadows that always hugged Az, as she went to yank open the door.

Azriels hair was swept back from his face and he watched her with a steady gaze, one that let her know he already knew more then he should. She motioned him in and shut the door behind him her words a whisper so she didn't disturb the sleeping pair in her room. "I fucked up and I have no idea how to fix it." She turned to pace again and then turned back to watch the man who was her brother in all but blood who waited, arms crossed and legs braced apart, like he was bracing for whatever she was to say. "You know I've been studying the different realms and the magics we have found in each one. Ive spent months in our own libraries and now the ones in Asgard. By the best translations on the works in our library and theirs we have the potential of 20 other worlds. 20 at least Az, and without understanding the wyrdmarks we cant see if there is more to learn out there. So I decided to try a spell." Az breathed through his nose, a quick huff that said he was about to interrupt and she held up her hand to keep him from speaking. "Let me finish. So I decided to try and open up the knowledge of the marks and hoped it would help us learn more. But that went horribly wrong and instead of opening up the knowledge it opened up a door."

Motioning for him to follow with a finger to her lips she opened her guest room door and silently showed him the woman and girl sleeping in the bed there. Luna gave him a moment to take it in before she shut the door and lead him back to the center of her living room. "They say they are from a world I've never heard of Az. I can only guess right now that it was one of the 20 we theorize being out there. I debated telling Armen because, well weird is her forte but she would run to Rhys and I can not tell him I did this so soon after the courts move here. If he finds out I fucked up so badly... well I cant. You have to help me at least figure out if this is fixable before I tell him and Nisha that I did this." She gave him the biggest most pathetic eyes she could manage, the kind that once upon a time had encouraged him to take her flying when they both knew she wasn't allowed out. Before her wings had been clipped and her back scarred, her own death marring their soil. She reeled her mind back from that thought but the shift in her emotions meant a shift in scent from her and Azriels eyes softened then. His voice was low gravel when he spoke, keeping the same level of quiet now he knew two people were sleeping inside. "This isn't good Lu, you know that right?" She nodded her head as he moved to stand beside her, looking down the small hallway that lead to the bedrooms. "You don't think they are dangerous right?" he asked thought she knew he would now have his shadows watching her faithfully while they figured this out. 

Adeluna shook her head, looking down the same hall, as she added, "Scared, I don't doubt the woman would attack if the girl was in danger. But I explained what happened and she seemed to understand she had limited options now. I mean she cant go home, her husband is in another world and yes, the more I speak the more fucked up I get this is," she ended on a sigh. Az leaned over laying his arm on her shoulders and pulling her into his side. "The girl smells human, completely mortal and sports a large scar on her face so I think I know why the woman comes off as so vicious in her look. The girl has suffered. The woman's scent, it reminds me of Tamlin, that earthy smell when he turns into a beastie. She might be some kind of shifter but if the girl is entirely human I doubt I'm in danger with them while we figure this out. Lysandra is her name and the impression I get is she knows we are each others best hope at figuring things out." The woman actually had a hell of a name and title but none of that mattered right now. Az squeezed her to his side in this weird half hug that made her smile and she rested her head on his shoulder as she added, "I don't want to admit that I've stranded them here. But if we don't figure out how I did it we cant undo it. And even if we do figured out how we have no sure fire reversal ability. So I'm worried."

Kicking her head back she looked up at the man who usually was shrouded in wisps of darkness. But with her then and now they were still, she wasn't sure if he had sent his shadows off or if they were all to busy listening to play out as they usually did. Azriel sighed again before he spoke, "We will have to tell Rhys soon. If for no other reason then because he is our High Lord and he should know something this big Lu. But we can take a couple days and ensure we have no way to fix this before we take it to him." She relaxed against his side then, tension leaving her body as she nodded her head slowly, "Ok, ok that's good," she said a little breathless like her nerves were done with holding her up and keeping it together. Az kissed her raven hair once before he pulled back. "I'm going to keep shadows watching you so I want you to stay inside and out of the city, at least during the daylight when you can. Ill bring more food and some clothes for the pair and see about making them comfortable." Luna nodded her head smiling up at him then. If the people who had faced this warrior on the battlefield could see him now she knew they wouldn't believe it. He continued on oblivious to her train of thought, "Ill come back first thing in the morning so you can introduce them to me properly and make sure they are comfortable with me because we will see a lot of each other in the coming days." Az turned for the door and when he had opened it and stepped into her hallway he turned back to add, "Be careful," and flicked her nose like he did when she was a child. She swatted at his hand and snorted as he shut the door himself. She locked herself in and then sighed. She didn't think she would sleep much tonight, to wound up from the day.

Three days later Lysandra and Evangeline were making dinner in Adelunas apartment, having spent the last few days getting used to to clothes and ambiance of her city. Luna was however not with the pair in her home, she was in the House Of Wind, pouring over books and pacing between grunts of frustration. "Az there is nothing here. Not even really confirming the 20 other worlds that attach to Prythian. Even if we operate that its only 20, which is a large assumption, and then that Asgard is one of the 20, that leaves us with 19 more possibilities. This gets us no closer to finding these girls a way home." Her stomach bottomed out as her frustration gave way to dread. Azriel had been looking out the window and had been since about an hour after he had flew them into the house itself. The view from the window was one of their city, their home. It was beautiful and Luna walked up to the window, sharing in the view with him, standing at his elbow as she said, "You don't have to say it. I know we have to tell Rhys. But I would like it noted that if he kills me he will regret it later, and that wont get them home... nor will it help figure out how I opened the portal in the first place." Az snorted and nodded his head, "Noted, and if it helps I'm almost certain he wont kill you." He looked at Luna over his shoulder and offered her a rare smile, it softened the hard lines of his face and that softer face didn't match the rough voice that came out. "But we don't have any answers and we are crossing the threshold into out right lying to him. I don't think that he or his mate would appreciate it." Luna winced at his words but she nodded slowly. She let her eyes go back to the window and sighed, "Ok, so we should fly to the townhouse and talk to them. Then I can go back to my place and warn my guests that my brother wants to meet them." She blew out a heavy breath but she didn't move just yet. Azriel wouldn't push her to move either, or to speak, he would let her process and then like he had since she was a baby he would help her to do what needed to be done. So he let her have time to compose herself for what would be a very very uncomfortable conversation with her brother.


Written with permission of  -Azriel- Shadowsinger |The Night Courts Spymaster|

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