Adeluna {Yggdrasil Kingdom} ||Summer Court||

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Testing The Wyrdmarks ||Night Court||
Category: Uncategorized


Adeluna sat in the grass, her knees pressing small dents into the carpet of blades below her as she leaned forward setting out her wares. The thick waves of her hair hung forward hiding her face and from afar no one would be able to tell it was her sitting under the growing moonlight. In a small pile to her right were books. Ancient manuscripts that were in a long lost language recently translated for them by her brothers second in command. Amren had then transcribed a single edition in their own tongue for them to read but Adeluna wanted to learn her friends ancient one so she had both with her. On top of that pile sat a bag that held the stones most precious to her. Runes, carved into amethyst, a gift from a prince of Asgard and her mate to boot though poor Magni didn't have a clue to that yet. To her left sat bowls with herbs, and stones that she had set up with paint still drying on their face. It was the last step to the magic she worked tonight and she hoped that all went well. The wyrdmarks that she had painted were, if her research was correct, to open. She hoped it was an understanding that would be opening though she was aware that it might be more literal in meaning.

The first time she had seen the wyrdmarks of her friends ancient language she had thought how similar they looked to the runes that graced the langue of their new allies. She had first gone to Herdis, her sister in law and the first Asgardian she had ever met. But Herdis, for all her knowledge of magic and her own people had never seen anything quiet like the wyrdmarks. Then Adeluna had started to study in the great library of Asgard, with the queens permission and sometimes instruction. It was there she had been able to meet her mate one on one for the first time, and there he had gifted her his own runes. She kept them with her now, though she was past believing that they might help her to unlock the secrets of Amrens tongue. They made her feel like she was on the right track, a token though Magni might not know how important of one it was to her. She used the bowls full of herbs first, casting a circle to contain whatever magic she was about to unleash. There was nothing more important then protecting her family and their home and she wouldn't let anything past this circle that might do harm. 


With the circle cast she mixed the rest of the herbs that needed to go together and then moved to the very center of said circle, starting a small fire that burned bright for her on the clear full mooned night. Her chant was low in her throat, an ancient fae tongue that most could no longer emulate let alone understand. As she walked back from the fire she checked the stones, and noted the paint no longer glistened. Smiling that her last piece was in place she scooped them into her hands and set them around the circle, the same low voice reverberating around the clearing. With the last stone placed she moved back to her seat, between her books and runes and empty bowls stacked inside one another. Letting her head fall forward she let her chest swell with the power charging the air and continued her chants, her voice growing no louder even though it was stronger and more clear then before. The circle gave off a faint haze, like steam rising from the grass though it was supposed to be an invisible thing. Adeluna didn't see this though as her violet eyes remained closed.

As the glowing from the circle found a steady light to emit the wyrdmarks on the stones started to blaze, sharp shafts of light shooting up into the nights sky. The glow was so bright Adeluna could see the light on the inside of her lids but her focus was too great and she didn't open her eyes only chanted, hands pressed to her knees, like the simple touch grounded her in the here and now. The longer she chanted the brighter the stones got, the marks soon showing an imprint of the symbols she had painted onto the nights sky itself. And with that came a whistle, a sound so high and intense it made the girls head throb fiercely. Still she didn't stop. She needed the understanding of the marks and their power. And her whole spell had been a mix of the three kinds of magics she knew as a way to protect herself. So protected by an Asgardian circle, chanting an elder fae plea for more and surrounded by the wyrdmarks the whistling grew to a fever pitch. If there had been windows around just then they might have burst from the sheer volume the whistling reached. And when Adelunas head felt like it might split into two the sound stopped with a sharp crack to the air. Adeluna swayed back slightly, the light from the stones blinking out as each one snapped clean in half. The low mist of the circle blinked out as well but only after a ball of fire blazed bright in the pit Adeluna had burned her herbs. Then it to blinked out. She opened her eyes to scan the clearing which had a low smoke haze over it now like a fog had rolled in and not the residue of magic. Adeluna slowly pushed to her feet, feeling like she had been running for miles and stopped short before taking single a step. Laying in the clearing, where her fire had once stood was a girl, slowly turning over into the grass and coughing deeply.


Adeluna started and then though her limbs felt heavy with fatigue she rushed to where the girl lay stopping short because her brother would kill her if she died rushing to help some stranger who popped up out of thing air. "Are you alright?" she called down to the girl who was still coughing and didn't see fit to answer. The girls hair was tangled and hid her face since she was now facing the ground but it shook with every cough giving Adeluna peaks of what in the moonlight seemed pale skin. Her coughs slowly died down and Adeluna tried again. "Are you hurt?" and then a few seconds later added on, "Who are you? And how did you get here?" But still there was no answer from the girl. Now that she was done coughing it looked like she was coiling to strike. But another cough broke that spell and then girl flopped back down rolling onto her back as she called up between clearing her throat. "If you're plan is the kill me ill be really pissed off. Dying on my back was not at all what I wanted to do with my day."

Adeluna chuckled despite herself and shoot her head. "No designs on murder from me. But I really do need to know who you are and where the hell you came from. The Night Court might be strange at times but we have never had people dropping out of thin air before." Adeluna didn't add that it seemed the girl dropped because of her and her magic. That wouldn't be helpful just then. She needed to gather information. "Fair enough," the girl said with a single hand moving down her face before began, "My name is Lysandra Ashryver, Lady of Caraverre from the Kingdom of Terrasen. I cant tell you how I got here, I only know that I was tending to my daughters bed time and then, it felt like all the air was sucked from the room and there was nothing...." Her voice trailed off and she shoot up straight looking around with panic now lacing her voice, "What happened to Evangline?" She shuffled to her feet and Adeluna felt a wave of guilt as she turned to see what looked like an empty field. "Evie!" the woman called out, gathering her skirts in hand ready to bolt. But Adeluna saw something shift just on the edge of her circle and she called out, ""What is that?" pointing at the shuffling figure hunched close to the ground. Lysandra sprinted for the edge and let out a cry of relief as she fell to her knees and scooped a rather scrawny but tall girl into her arms. The girl murmured to her mother, a woman who didnt look old enough to have such a large child but Adeluna didn't stare wanting to give them a bit of privacy. She scrubbed her hands over her own face, heart picking up speed as she called out after scooping her runes and books up from the ground. "Gather the girl, we should move. I'm going to take you both to my house in the city. Its safe there and then we can figure out how the hell you got here and how we send you both home, ok?" She turned to see the nodding from both mother and daughter who upon inspection looked nothing alike. But Adeluna again didn't comment she simply held out her hand like a peace offering, "I swear you two will be safe with me. And I will figure this out. But for now we should get the girl out of the damp. Shes in a night dress and its getting colder by the minute." The pair followed Adeluna and she lead the way out of her now eviscerated circle and towards Velaris, unsure of what the hell she would tell her family about what she had done.

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