Hope Winter Saltzman

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Age: 29
Sign: Scorpio

Country: United States
Signup Date: November 07, 2020

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Drabble #3: Supernaturals VS Humans (Part 2) (TW Crossover)
Category: Uncategorized

Hours flew by and the war raged on and you continued to fight with the pack. eventually, you caught Monroe as she was trying to leave, you stop her and then put her in chains and tortured her to see what she really wanted to do with the supernaturals of the town. —

You punch her in the face as hard as you can and look at her. She gave you a small laugh "Is that the best you can do?" She asks as she spits out some blood, which lands on the floor next to her.

"No!" You tell her with a growl "I can do a lot more than just punching you!" You tell her as you look at her with hatred. "In fact" — You let your voice trail off for a moment, with a deep sigh, before you continue. "I could kill you if I wanted to, without even touching you! But I want some answers first!" You tell her as you lean into her, close to her right ear "What is your plan?" You ask her darkly.

You can smell the fear radiating off her body, the sweet smell of her blood coursing through her veins, and the sweat that now began to pour down her face. You had her right where you needed her to be. Scared.

You smile and pull back from her ear to look at her terrified face. "Now were we?" You ask her. "Oh, right... You were about to tell me your plan? Hmmm?"

Monroe squirms in her chair and looks down, too afraid to meet your eyes.
"We... " She paused for a moment
"We planned on killing you all." She replied softly. "We planned to corner you somewhere and then set you all on fire."

"Well, your plan sucks!" You tell her as you began to slowly burn purple, your eyes, once brown it became purple as well. "Well, now I know how to stop you and your crew. Starting with you." You tell her as you then lift your hands, and shoot purple flames at her. You watch as she burns. Her screams of agony died out, as they engulfed her entire body.

You return to normal and watch as she burns, a wide smile on your face.
Now off to get rid of the rest of her crew and deal with the other hunters.

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