Psychotic Impulses (Poetry/Short Stories)

Last Updated: Fri 21 Apr 2023, 7:23:01

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Nozomi Sunako's Revenge
Category: Blogging

(Human Version Two: In this scenario Nozomi is looking for payback after All Out War ended so terribly for Negan and his Saviors, but she was already second in command after Simon's earlier death at Negan's hands, however just now she is the undisputed leader seeking vengeance for what she believes to be a just and noble cause, despite how ruthless and heartless her methods of achieving certain results often were, because Nozomi considers Rick Grimes to be the real instigator of this entire affair! Aaron was on a scouting mission for Alexandria, but sadly today he and others would perish due to her insatiable thirst for blood and carnage.) 

All Out War had been a very cruel and brutal affair for all parties involved, yet Aaron was a good person who always tried his best to be both reasonable and fair no matter what, yet his undeniable kindness ended up coming back to haunt him in the worst possible way right now, after being attacked from behind then rendered utterly helpless by the vengeful young woman known as Negan's daughter. Nozomi had been adopted by the former Saviors leader even before the start of his sometimes merciless reign, and she also possessed both Negan's cunning and cold, calculating methods of employing violence along with Simon's sheer madness and occasionally complete, off the wall insanity as well! 

"You're going to tell me where my fucking father is, or else!"

Nozomi raised her voice as she threatened the innocent male who had just been captured and tied up around a tree by this demented Asian female, but he still thought that even someone like herself would never have the heart to do something so terrible and cruel. Aaron pleaded with her for mercy, but none would be forthcoming due to her blind, unadulterated rage which she was currently experiencing at the moment!

"Oh you think I'm fucking around with you? Goddamn asshole, you seem to worship the ground that your precious leader walks on, while also forgetting that it was he himself who started this whole thing to begin with! Oh yes, murdering dozens of Saviors in their sleep, there's your fucking noble Rick Grimes and company for you!"

No walkers or other humans were around for several miles either, although eventually two more people would join Aaron in death. Nozomi often carried a variety of weapons with her, so on this occasion she began laughing insanely as the hot fireplace poker quickly pierced through his cock and balls, instantly making him scream at the top of his lungs before the poor man threw up as well! She continued twisting and turning the scalding weapon, further mutilating his already much abused private parts until finally, he told her where they were holding Negan prisoner at. 

"Alexandria!!! Rick and Michonne are keeping him prisoner there!!! Please lady please!!! No please!!! I'll even tell you exactly how to get there!!!"

Nozomi eyes became wide with demented glee as she slashed his throat open with the highly dangerous weapon, which also burned flesh while at the same time cutting through it. Now wielding a long, extremely sharp butcher knife, she then gutted him alive as internal organs spilled forth, until finally he died but thankfully, at least she stabbed him through the brain in order to prevent him from coming back as a walker! Aaron had indeed told her just where Alexandria was currently located at, but his efforts were in vain due to the incredible amount of bloodlust running through this enraged woman's entire, merciless body. 

"Thank you. See, that wasn't so bad after all, now was it? I always knew me and you would get along quite nicely together Aaron."

The blood covered young female smiled sadistically after getting the information she needed, because now she knew where her father was and would do whatever it took to free him once more. Being a former high ranking member of the Saviors, Nozomi had unfortunately gotten injured during All Out War, but was forced to spend many restless, painful days and equally agonizing nights hidden inside a cave, mostly stealing from others to survive although once her injuries fully healed, she occasionally hunted and fished for food along the way, all without knowing what happened to Negan or anyone else for that matter! Rick Grimes had refused to give Nozomi any medical treatment, so instead of taking her prisoner he'd banished her into an area many miles away from the Sanctuary, which she would never forgive him for no matter what. However, payback was truly a bitch and Nozomi had now murdered one of his dear friends in Aaron, but two hours later she heard other humans coming closer to the general vicinity of the slain man! She wondered who these people were but soon realized that it was some Kingdom members, which greatly excited her because this would end up being merely sweet, delicious icing on the proverbial cake, so to speak. Nozomi began crying and whimpering in "pain" just then, holding her stomach as if someone had just stabbed her right through the abdomen, yet she was smart enough to have already walked away from Aaron's murder site, moving into a small clearing before falling down to both knees, knowing they would quickly come to her aid after emerging from the thickness of the deep woods. However, she had seen them first and knew exactly what to do, having already changed weapons by replacing the butcher knife with much shorter, yet nevertheless extremely sharp and deadly ones instead. They could clearly see her but it was already much too late for them now, especially since she recognized these people from All Out War, yet apparently the passing of many months had made them completely forget about her, but they would almost instantly regret this fatal decision on their part!

"Miss? Is everything alright? What happened? Please tell us and we'll help you out as best we can."

Nozomi then smiled evilly as her hidden knives quickly slashed the throats of these unfortunate individuals, for she was quite powerful and could move in an instant without others even realizing it either! This was a simple yet highly effective method of using her hands and arms to cover up those particular weapons, while also holding her stomach but only revealing these wicked knives at the last possible second. The man and woman both collapsed to the ground as Nozomi began cutting their heads off, one by one removing them before casually tossing the severed body parts away, smirking as their heads rolled away from the clearing and into the woods! She next proceeded to dismember their slain corpses into many pieces, softly singing one of her favorite songs until the grisly act was at last completed. Putting out the fire which she'd used to heat up the fireplace poker with earlier, Nozomi wasted no time in stealing every useful item from the three dead people, before placing everything into a backpack as she congratulated herself on a job well done. Nozomi began looking in Alexandria's general direction, while formulating her greedy and selfish plans to free her father and make Rick Grimes pay dearly with his very life!

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