Psychotic Impulses (Poetry/Short Stories)

Last Updated: Fri 21 Apr 2023, 7:18:32

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Daiyu's Ultimate Sacrifice
Category: Blogging

(Human Version: In this particular scenario, the rebellious Savior members are fighting everyone else except Daiyu, because she's in on Anne's plan but the others arrive much too late to save her or help Rick. None of them see the helicopter either, so they assume Rick was eaten alive by the massive herd.)

Despite the incredible pain of being impaled upon the rebar, Rick couldn't be bothered with that or the incoming walkers either, at least not just yet because he still had important business to finish first. No, this would not be a repeat of past events, in which an innocent animal got devoured alive, so the severely injured man began yelling and screaming at the beautiful white horse, doing whatever he could to sacrifice himself to keep that poor animal safe from all harm! Finally it got the message and began galloping away, and would soon be several miles from the vast herd which was quickly closing in on Rick. Nevertheless he continued screaming at them all until none of them paid anymore attention to the fleeing animal, and only after the horse vanished from view did Rick at last pass out from the intense pain! He'd done the right thing and could now die in peace, but was this actually the end for him, or perhaps a brand new beginning instead?

Poor Rick was still completely helpless as the large herd kept moving closer, so Daiyu became increasingly desperate while thinking about what to do next. She'd disobeyed Rick's orders by not staying back at the bridge, but the brave and courageous female wasn't about to let this utterly fearless man die right now. She suddenly pulled out her own revolver and fired several shots into the air, thereby distracting the herd from Rick as they began walking in her direction. 

"Goddamn it Anne! That chopper should have already been here by now. Fuck it, let's do this and quit wasting time."

Daiyu finished swearing then emptied her weapon as she fired the last three shots in the herd's general direction, and after throwing the gun down she stood still while awaiting her gruesome fate. Jadis, or rather Anne had indeed called for help and now the helicopter finally arrived, then two men got out of it so they could remove Rick and carry him away to some other destination. Daiyu had no doubt bought them some very valuable time, because surely Rick would have been devoured before any assistance arrived. The chopper quickly took off with their subject in tow, but the horrified men could do nothing as they watched Daiyu literally being torn apart by hungry walkers. She screamed in severe agony as the undead ripped her stomach wide open, pulling out intestines and other internal organs while feasting on human flesh, but soon enough Daiyu took her final breath after a walker sank its teeth into her neck, tearing the unfortunate female's throat apart while also severing an artery as well! Blood gushed from many open wounds as the herd consumed Daiyu until very little remained, but shortly thereafter Daryl was forced to put her down for good, by shooting the reanimated woman in the head with his infamous crossbow! Rick had possibly been saved from certain death, but most likely no one would ever know because because they all thought him to be long gone by now. Michonne began looking for Rick so she could end his suffering forever, but eventually everyone came to the conclusion that he'd either wandered off with the herd to parts unknown, or been devoured so thoroughly that there was simply nothing left of him anymore. Hopefully Daiyu's bold yet tragic sacrifice might yet provide a small beacon of hope in an otherwise dark and cruel existence!

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