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Age: 49
Sign: Libra

Country: Egypt
Signup Date: May 11, 2018

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Feral Heart {Intro to Akirah}
Category: Uncategorized


Dawn. The immense endless rosy-orange dappled sky spread out beyond the blurred shadows of the illusive temple and the avenue of ram headed sphinx; their enormous paws outstretched as if they were laying claim to the golden-yellow sand before them. The dim shape of the Temple of Sekhmet lay quiet and still save for the subtle hints of flamed radiance on the crest of the alabaster Triple-lotus oil lamps.

 A flood of ancient memories ran through her head, long lost remnants of her feral heart surged forth. Akirah recollected the hedonistic images of her tenacious fury and her bloodthirsty rage, how both sank her deeper into a chasm of what once was….

She watched as tiny sparks of illumination waltzed across the grimacing shadows of the hieroglyphic adorned walls and then the flashes of past afflictions commenced.

The Nile. Beautiful, resourceful –the key to all that lives and dies in Ancient Egypt. Its mysterious waters just like her own heart– peaceful on the surface but just below there lies a violent storm of rage, fury and instability. Akirah closed her obsidian eyes and sank further back in time…..170,000 years earlier….

 The Gods had felt spurned by mankind.  Mortals gathered and began to rise up against the Gods. They failed to pay homage at the temples, they gave up on prayer and began to plot such wicked deeds.  The Egyptian deities felt they had no other recourse but to punish those that would rise against them.  The Great Ra called to her-The Scarlet Lady, commanded her to seek all those who would disobey and punish their wickedness….


Akirah watched herself in the dreamscape- her full lioness form; snarling, growling and then running like lightening….over the sands of Egypt, -over Nubia, over Kemet….every land near and far, violently, strategically she waged war on every human that crossed her path. No one was immune to her prowess, she took no pity on the wicked mortals. Every man, woman, child in her path- would have the same end. There was end to the madness, she was an unstoppable force wreaking havoc over the land. Blood. Destruction. Death – The lioness was drunk on it- devouring all those who would defy the Gods. Akirah watched as she slaughtered thousands and then thousands more.  A gargantuan torrent of Blood plagued her thoughts….she felt herself spiraling into a long descent of madness….when suddenly a sound evoked her from her dream….– tinging, clinging, ringing , chiming in her ears….what was it? Bells? Metal? She could not determine which.

Akirah awoke to the sound ricocheting off the walls of the temple….more tinging, clinging, ringing and chiming and then she felt the walls tremble…..((more coming soon))

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