Demetrius{Fenrir-Son}{Yggdrasil Kingdom}[Married to Kira]

Last Updated: Fri 27 Jan 2017, 6:41:48

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Age: 33
Sign: Leo

Country: Iceland
Signup Date: November 02, 2015

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Our Honeymoon
Category: Uncategorized

The wedding had gone smoothly from the ceremony to the reception Demetrius was on cloud nine he had married the love of his life with family and friends as witnesses what else could he ask for. As the night went on Demetrius kept checking his watch their honeymoon wouldn't begin until they got to their destination. Demetrius and Kira were now at the end of their magical evening they both said goodbye to their loved ones and thanked them for coming. He took hold of his newly wifes hand as they got back into the same limo that had taken them to the reception he turned to Kira lifting her hand to his lips to kiss the back of her hand “My wife I know you had the hardest part of this wedding planning to do but I hope your happy with what I planned for our honeymoon” he gave grin reaching into his jacket pocket pulling out plan tickets “we are going to Brazil” he leaned over to kiss her then gave her the tickets “ I booked us a private house near the beach for as long as we want” he gave her another kiss as he still held onto her hand the limo drove them to the airport where he had a private jet ready to take them off to Brazil ;

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Kira Orcus|TAK|ROD|


Kira said goodbye to her family and friends like Demetrius had done as well. She follows him back to the limo that brought them to the reception. There was so much for them to look forward to and to be done but it wouldn′t happen until after their honeymoon. She felt him lifting her hand to his lips as she giggles a little bit while she listens to him. She watches him pull out a pair of tickets as he told them they would be going to Brazil. "That sounds exciting, my love. I′ve never been to Brazil before." She smiles softly at him as she kisses him back deeply.

Posted by Kira Orcus|TAK|ROD| on Fri Jan 27, 2017, 07:01

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