Demetrius{Fenrir-Son}{Yggdrasil Kingdom}[Married to Kira]

Last Updated: Fri 16 Sep 2016, 15:34:51

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Age: 32
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Signup Date: November 02, 2015

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Proposal to Kira 9/16
Category: Uncategorized

Demetrius had arrived back home he wanted to go see Kira but he had to stop by his house first to get something on his way to her house he sent her a message to be outside he would be taking her somewhere special He stood outside of his car with the door open watching her walk down he handed her a bouquet of pink rose “these are for you” he helped her into the car running to the other side to get in he leaned over giving her a kiss “missed you Kira I want to take you somewhere special tonight” he looked over to her with a grin trying to hide his nervousness.

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Reaching the park of a local mountain top he opened the door for her taking her hand in his he walked them through a small path way the sun had already set it was a full moon the stars shined bright that evening “close your eyes” he whispered to her as they reached the special place he had set up for them just passing a few trees Demetrius had a picnic, champagne all set in the middle of a heart shaped candlelight making sure Kira didn't trip he picked her up “sit here” he said to her placing her down and sitting beside her “open your eyes” all he could do was smile

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After a few moments Demetrius got the courage to explain why he had brought Kira to this special place taking a deep breath he began to tell her how he felt “When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we'll share together you mean everything to me Kira just a smile from you and it can change my mood I want us to never have to be apart I love you more then any word can describe” he dug his hand into his pocket pulling out a blue box that had their initials on it opening the box he smiled at her taking in another breath ..

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Kira Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife ?” the box held the ring  

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