Director Smith (from RPme)

Last Updated: Sun 29 May 2016, 6:03:18

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Sonic Screwdriver #1
She created this sometime before her memory loss (Degenero SL) and found it within her apartment afterward. It has an adamantium shell, the core components protected within it. It's a multi-functional sonic device, capable of various functions. Its most common function is that of a lockpick, but can be used to perform other operations such as conducting medical scans, remotely controlling other devices, tracking alien life and, using red setting or dampers, it can control the properties of atoms and molecules on a small scale. It can, with the exception of a deadlock seal or wooden lock, open any type of lock and operate many computers, whether their origin is alien or humans. This is just an idea of what it can do, to list everything would take days.

Sonic Screwdriver #2
She created this while undercover within Magnus' Brotherhood. It has a plastic casing, with most of the components made of a highly resilient plastic polymer. It is identical the one listed above in every way.

Dimension Cannon/Jumper/Hopper
The dimension cannon or the dimension jump is a device that can travel to different dimensions/universes by ripping a hole in the universe and hopping through the Void, at the cost of breaking the walls of the universe. It was created in Pete's World by Torchwood.

Kendra's version, which she made personally, will not rip a hole in the universe, instead stretching the barrier before allowing the person to phase through. The ride is rough, possibly deadly for someone who is straight up humanoid. Again, like every other device she has made, unless it is specifically coded for a specific person's DNA, it will give a nasty jolt of electricity.

Vortex Manipulator
A vortex manipulator was a form of basic time travel used by the Time Agency of the 51st century. With Kendra's eidetic memory, she took Jack Harkness' manipulator apart then, in her time and with her own components, built one herself. Okay, she built a few. Hers has a chameleon circuit, similar to that of her father's TARDIS, that enables the device to blend in with her outfit. The main function of a vortex manipulator was to transport the user through time and space via the Time Vortex. The exact range of a vortex manipulator varies.

The vortex manipulator protects its user from the journey through the Vortex, and is able to transport two people without difficulty or discomfort for those travelling. However, transporting three people appears to result in discomfort for the users, possibly slightly overloading the manipulator's capabilities.

In addition to transportation, vortex manipulators have several other functions. These include: Communication between users, including storage of messages, and listening to radio broadcasts. Projection of holograms. Tracking of life signs. This feature is specific enough to recognize a two-hearted person. Remote control of electronic devices. Muting Torchwood Three's comm system. As a "front door key" to the Torchwood Three Hub. Playing music. Sending a signal to enrage Weevils (possibly other species) and to bring them back to the Cardiff sewers. Detection of low sodium levels. Scanning and alteration of printed texts. Unlocking combination-locked vaults. Scanning a body for life. Acting as a beacon. And many other things...

Unlike Jack's lie about his Manipulator being tied to his DNA, Kendra's IS tied to her DNA. If anyone else tries to place it upon their wrist, before she can code their DNA in to be recognized, they will receive a nasty jolt of electricity, one that could kill a human.

Vortex manipulators are able to travel to places with time distortions where a TARDIS can not easily do so. For example: River Song traveled to 1938 New York when the TARDIS couldn't until it had "landing lights". Unlike a TARDIS, going to such an area with a vortex manipulator would not risk the total destruction of the area. 

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