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Gallifreyan Physiology
Category: Uncategorized

Gallifreyan (Time Lord) Physiology 
TAXONOMY: Kendra is half Homo Superious and half Dominus Temporis (Gallifreyan). Despite appearences, her Gallifreyan half did not evolve from apes, unlike that of her Terran/Mutant half. Reproduction between a Terran and Gallifreyan is impossible, she was she was created by a rogue Time Lord scientist, who was attempting to find a way for procreation to work, to allow for the continuation of the Gsllifreyan race. She was created from the DNA of both her mother and father then, when viable, she was implanted into her mother's womb. Kendra was the only successful combination, with 12 prior failures; a complete and perfect blend of both species, she is also the only one of her kind.

EXTERNAL APPEARANCE: Externally, she is identical to Terrans/Humans but, unlike typical Gallifreyans, she does not always have a European/Caucasian appearance. This is due to the mixture with her mother's Homo Superious DNA, as well as the Terran American Indian DNA of her biological Grandfather. Due to the mixture of her mother's and father's DNA, she is able to have a partial regeneration and has more control than her father.

RESILIENCE: Kendra is, on the whole, extremely tough and resilient. She can survive some falls, which would shatter the bones of a Human winding up in their demise. She can survive extreme cold , due to a souped up metabolism, as well as extreme heat. She can even survive subzero temperatures and extremely low pressure of vacuum (Space) for up to six minutes, as well as electric shocks that would be fatal to humans.Like her father, she can absorb very high doses of Röntgen radiation (X-Rays) but, unlike her father, she can't transform and expel it from her body; instead, her regenerative ability flushes it from her system but, each time she's exposed to it, it takes longer to leave her body. Radiation of other kinds can be fatal, resulting in regeneration for her, but she can still handle much higher doses than a normal human & can hold out much longer than most terrestrial life-forms.

She needs less sleep than humans and can make due with as little as two hours per night.

If severely injured, but not to the point of regeneration, she will slip into a healing coma, devoting all of her energy to healing the injury. While in the coma, she will appear to be dead.

Like her father, she has an increased resilience to higher frequencies of sound.

A good blow to her left shoulder can disable her, as it possesses a vulnerable nerve cluster - again, just like her father.

LIFESPAN: Even without regeneration, she will have a considerable lifespan. Within one incarnation, she can live for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years yet look much younger than the human of equivalent age. While it should take centuries for her to look like an old woman, Kendra will never have that, even without her regeneration; her biological grandfather's "tainted" DNA kept her Terran/Mutant mother from aging (except at will) leaving Ken with the same ability, though she cannot control it like her mother. So, barring accidents, she could live for hundreds of thousands of years.

SENSES:Kendra has all the senses possessed by Humans but to a slightly superior degree. She also has extraordinary reflexes and precision timing; her reflexes are 8 times that of a human's (while her father's is ten times). She has excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity with a wide variety of tools and weapons. Physically able and highly athletic, not even she knows what all she's a natural at yet.

sight: Due to the combination of DNA from her parents, she has excellent vision in the dark. Her eyes are able to gather and enhance available light, as well as notice incredible detail from distances of at least 300 feet (100 yards), as well as see people well beyond the human line of sight.  

hearing: While she has better hearing than that of an average human, but she cannot hear things that are several rooms/sections away from her position. Not unless there is a faint echo somewhere.

taste: She is capable of indentification by taste: EXAMPLES blood, wood type, plastic composition, age of an object, origin of an object or even atmospheric composition. However, in the case of some things, she has to have come into contact with them before, or something similar, in order to be able to identify it that way. Plus, she doesn't usually taste everything as it tends to unnerve the people around her.

smell: Her sense of smell is equal to her sense of taste. She can do a chemical analysis of air by smelling it. On some occasions, if she's been there before, she can tell what Time Period and location she's in by the smell of the air.

SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH, SPEED and AGILITY: She is stronger, faster and more agile than even the most accomplished human in each of those categories. Her natural abilities were honed ever more both in the battle field and in training and sparring sessions with Wolverine, Gambit and even Thor.

proprioception: She's better at coping with sudden changes in position than humans, therefore harder to disorient.

As well as her shared senses with humans, she has an undefined Sixth Sense. She has some Time and Spatial related senses and physical attributes: able to resist fields of slow time, notice distortions and jumps in time, directly perceive the interstellar motions and cosmological bodies or their inhabitants, and perceive all possible timelines. She can also sense other Gallifreyans, but not enough to identify them upon sight.

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