Director Smith (from RPme)

Last Updated: Sun 29 May 2016, 5:58:10

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Gender: Female
Age: 41
Sign: Pisces

Country: United States
Signup Date: May 29, 2016

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Regenerative Healing Factor
The user can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping, aging. The rate and amount of healing varies widely (see Levels of Regeneration); some can regrow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. They are generally in very good physical shape as their bodies are constantly reverting to healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality.

At higher levels, users can regenerate not just their cellular tissues, but also their DNA, undoing genetic mutations and breakdown, as well as maintaining one's youth by extending telomeres. This also gives them immunity to diseases and infections, undoing any unwanted symptoms, as well as provide a form of self-sustenance, forgoing the needs for oxygen and food intake. If advanced enough, the ability will cause the body to cease aging as the cells are regenerating and dying in equilibrium, granting immortality.

Regeneration differs from wound healing, which involves closing up the injury site with a scar.

Item Manifestation
The ability to summon/create items, or weapons, with a mere thought. She can also make said items vanish, once they've served their purpose.

When she first started learning this power, she had to touch a person to manifest clothes, same goes for herself; it was not something she preferred to do on others due to the potential for them to think sexually, which was not the case for her. As she learned her powers though, she can now manifest clothing with just sheer thought of will, no touching needed.

Weaponry she tends to manifest are fairly simple: knives, daggers, throwing stars, swords, katanas, bo staves, batons...the list goes on. In the beginning, she wasn't able to manifest things like guns due to all the complex moving parts, yet she could manifest the said parts in order to put one together which she is very adept at.  (Still Updating)

Night Vision
User has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.

Supernatural Intelligence
Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more intelligent than their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely smarter than any level normal members of their species (Time Lords) can achieve by any method of training. Also called: Super Intelligence; Transcendental Genius

The process by which Time Lords and others renewed themselves, causing a complete physical and often psychological change. It could happen because of severe illness, old age/fatigue or injury. It could also be invoked by choice, whether voluntary or involuntary. Conversely, regeneration could be prevented by choice, although choosing not to regenerate from fatal damage was essentially an act of suicide.

Due to her being half Time Lord, she can do what is known as a partial regeneration as well. Where she goes through a complete regeneration cycle, but keeps the same face and personality.

Time Lord Coma
When injured to the extent her regenerative healing factor cannot heal her wounds in a quick amount of time, and not injured to the extent of having a full regeneration, she can slip into a Time Lord coma. This is to help her body heal near-fatal or fatal wounds, while lowering the rest of her biological functions. In this state, any technology (that is not Time Lord) will read that she is dead, since it will be unable to pick up any of her biological functions.

None that is written here, is giving you permission to kill her or make her regenerate. That is up to me, and me alone; should you try to do it, then I shall ignore it...unless we have agreed upon for a storyline. Also, regeneration will result in her playby changing, making me have to change ALL of her pictures. Thank you.

There are only two ways to actually kill her.

ONE: You must make sure that her brain and hearts are entirely destroyed. If just a fragment remains, of just one of the two, then she will regenerate and come after you.

TWO: If you are lucky enough to see a regeneration cycle of hers, then she is vulnerable. Any attack that would kill a normal human being, while in this state, will cease the regenerative cycle and result in her physical death.

(SIDE NOTE: She doesn't regenerate (full body regenerate) right away, sometimes it can take hours, or even days, before the process begins for her.

She despises telepaths, and with good reason, she is weak against telepathy. She hates it when people get into her head, speak into her mind, pisses her off. If she is in a fight with a telepath, and they don't take her down, she will attempt to put them in their place.

Note: She cannot be killed with telepathy; if they overload her brain, she will just regenerate.

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