Director Smith (from RPme)

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History Pt. 2 ||
Category: Uncategorized

Before Time rewound itself, due to her mother's sacrifice, Kendra had been sharing a romantic moment with her husband, Remy LeBeau. They were together again, reunited; two souls who had loved each other for so long. But their tender moment took a turn for the worse, when the fissure opened up in their motel room. They clung to each and, even as the vacuum from the fissure lifted her off her feet, he held onto the headboard as she clung to hs hand. Yet, it just hadn't been meant to be, as she couldn't hold on - her hands slipping, inch by inch, from his. Her last words to him were, "I love you." And he screamed her name as she was sucked into the fissure and out of sight. After the fissure closed, there was nothing but a large crack in the wall, big enough for him to see the couple on the other side, looking as frightened as he was for his wife. Seconds later, the Earth began to shake violently, everything worldwide, nay the universe, began to collapse. Crushing every living thing there was; leaving nothing in its wake.

The brunette fell through nothingness, toppling over and over, unable to stop herself. She could see, and feel, objects falling with her, some of them slamming into her body yet, any wounds caused by them instantaneously healed. That's when she felt it, as if something had seized a hold of her and wrenched her into a completely different direction; she screamed in excruciating agony then blacked out. She didn't come to when she fell out of another fissure and hit a tombstone, the impact breaking it in half, before hitting the ground. Cuts, abrasions, and a bleeding head wound all began to heal instantly, her unconscious state lasting just long enough for her superficial wounds to heal. When she came to, she scoured the graveyard for her husband, to no avail; he was gone. Or was she? She didn't know, didn't understand what had happened. When she realized he was nowhere to be found, she collapsed to the ground and cried out - her wail echoed through the night air, before stopping and she bowed her head. Yet, surprisingly, no tears fell - in that one instant, Kendra Lee LeBeau ceased to be and she became Night Shade, once more.

Her cry alerted Emma Swan, who came to investigate what was happening. Upon sight of the unknown woman, a terrified Kendra ran through the desolate graveyard and into the nearby woods. The woods, however, were enchanted, and grabbed her, restraining her. Her terrified screams drew Emma's attention once more, who used her powers to save the frightful brunette. It was there she learned she was in Storybrooke, Maine. After a brief introduction, she allowed the blonde some minute traces of trust and followed Emma back into town, where she met a few of the others. Fairytales, come to life; it was something that absolutely shocked her and not much surprised her anymore. She was there through the chaos with Anna, Elsa and the Snow Queen, surviving the spell of Shattered Sight. Then the villains came front and center, and Kendra knew she'd have to help in the fight, even if she didn't have a spark of magic in her; what she didn't realize was that she was more connected to Storybrooke and Magic than she thought, thanks to her past heritage.

Backing Emma and the other heroes, she came face to face with Ursula, Maleficent, Cruella and Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold suddenly remembered a long forgotten prophecy, one that Henry had not. See, what had saved Kendra was Henry; she was the reason she had pulled from her universe to this one. Henry had cast a spell, seeing if there was another Savior out there, fearful of what could happen to his mother (Emma). But, Mr. Gold, having realized what this newcomer meant, cast a spell, banishing her from Storybrooke, just outside of town. No matter, what, Kendra couldn't back in, each time thrown back onto her ass. Unable to see what was playing, she made the decision to move in this universe, not knowing that she would be coming back – sooner rather than later.

After leaving Storybrooke, she made her way to New York City, making sure to note the exact date. It had seemed, to her, she had just been teleported from one part of the country to another; she had no idea how wrong she was. That was until she ran into Gambit, during a bar brawl. When he came up to her, she greeted him enthusiastically but, it wasn't returned. Once they got the chance to talk, she began to realize what had happened to her, that's when the fight to get home started. Staying with Gambit, while they searched for a way to get her home, the unexpected happened - she began to fall for him. That fall started to make her doubt her desire to return. Soon enough, the decision was made for her - there was no way to get her home, because there was no home for her to go back to. She was devastated, but Gambit was there to help hold her together. She even joined the X-Men. Time passed, the bond deepened and the couple grew ever closer.

Yet, just when she thought things were perfect, and letting her hair down, she was attacked by someone from her past - The Mutant Killer. Previously, in their first encounter, when she had escaped the Killer's clutches with her husband, but he managed to escape through a rift and she never even knew who he was. How, she never figured it out, but she never thought of him again, save for the torture and torment he had put her and her husband through. This time, she was tormented from a distance, the fear of all that was holy put into her. She tried to escape, but Remy wouldn't let her. They figured out the School was in danger and ran there as fast as they could, only to fall into a trap. She had entered the Danger Room, while Remy went to the control room and an encounter ensued where Kendra was injected with the Mutant Cure after a lengthy torture and brief battle. The Killer escaped and, cured or not, Kendra went in search of him – alone. Remy, her lover, caught up with her, an argument ensuing which made the pair vulnerable to being dropped upon by the Mutant Killer and his minions. A lengthy battle ensued, which was brought to an abrupt halt when Kendra was grabbed and Remy was threatened with her life. This was why she had wanted to go alone to face him.

The pair was taken to his hideout and placed in a room. Remy managed to blow his chains, doing the same to hers, and they managed to escape only to find themselves in another room. This one was vast, huge, with earth and trees set up over a metal floor. How, she didn't know, but the telepathic assault on her mind, her memories being shown on a screen for her lover to witness was nearly too much. A revelation was realized: the Mutant Killer was none other than her missing Uncle Jayson from her home universe. A quiet plea from her and Remy destroyed the device. The two then escaped into an underground passage, the door of which she had spotted when on the ground writhing. From there, they made their way through and eventually caught up with the Mutant Killer. While Remy faced off with the power negator, she faced off with her Uncle. Threat after threat ensued then she did something that had shocked Remy to the core.

Grabbing one of her blades from a tray, she lunged at Jayson. Family or not, she couldn't allow him to continue to live. The blade drove deep into her uncle's heart, her eyes never leaving his. She could feel the warmth of his blood on her skin; the look as the last bit of life left his eyes. Yet, before he died, he told her she'd never be able to get rid of him and sent out a bounty for her life over a mass text message. Jaw clenched, she twisted the blade, until he took his last shuddering breath. Yanking the knife from his chest, Jayson's body hit the floor. Right as Remy questioned what she had done, she spun, throwing the blade with precise accuracy; the blade slammed into the negator's forehead, who was getting up to attempt to stab Remy in the back, and he fell dead. Immediately Remy's powers returned. After gathering their gear, they moved toward the exit, only for it to be blown open by Cyclops and the other X-Men, who had come to rescue their colleagues.

One day, while walking, she was attacked by an unknown assailant, a seemingly normal human trying to mug her. She took him out easily and continued on her way to the motel, where she was temporarily staying, where she came face to face with, none other than, the King of Hell himself – Crowley. With a snap of his fingers, he transported them to his place, where he proceeded to offer a deal: she would capture the Winchester brothers for him and, in return, he'd bring the man she loved back from the dead. Confused, she told him the man she loved was alive but, he showed her, he was talking about her late husband. Upon realizing her husband was in Hell itself, she agreed to the deal and she did bring Dean and Sam to him, even though it went against everything she stood for. When her husband was freed, their reunion was bittersweet, because of her love for his counterpart in this universe. Upon realizing Kendra would never love him, her former husband vanished. She had no idea that what Crowley had brought back wasn't fully her former husband and went about her business.

Sometime afterward, she went looking for those who the Killer had targeted, besides her: Rose Kotay (the woman who, in her universe, had been her mother) and the Doctor. For this, she decided to contact a person whom she knew, at least from her universe (and whom she was also related to there): Special Agent Dana Scully-Mulder. She was followed to FBI headquarters and, right after her initial meeting with Dana, was attacked by an unknown bounty hunter. The fight, though they managed to survive, left Kendra poisoned and weak. Refusing to go to the hospital, she was taken to Dana's home, where she was able to recover from the poison but, at the detriment of having one of her secrets known. Together, they went in search of the two people she was looking for, but came up empty.

Deciding they needed time away, Remy and Kendra decided to go on a cruise to Paris. Their pleasant trip, however, was interrupted when Mr. Sinister showed up, right after Kendra had proposed to Remy. Remy was knocked out almost immediately, leaving the cured Kendra to fight against Mr. Sinister alone – she failed and was, eventually, knocked out. Taken to a secret hideout, deep under the streets of Paris, they both underwent genetic testing and torture, Kendra more so than Remy. It was during this time period, drugged and kept mostly unconscious, that their daughter was created – unknown to the couple. Mr. Sinister, curious about what gifts she possessed gave Kendra back her powers but that allowed her to resist the drugs and fight back. Together, Remy and her managed to escape their inevitable deaths only come face to face with Mr. Sinister on the surface. He held a small child in his arms, a little girl. Immediately the couple felt a pull toward the child but couldn't explain why. This was the start of the rift between the X-Men's power couple.

Exiting the building that would, one day, become Aces Nightclub she was tranquilized and kidnapped. When she awoke, she was tied to a chair with bonds that she could not break with her superhuman strength. In front of her was a man who called himself Baron Zemo. She had never heard the name before and was defiant to him until the very end. The last she remembered was being taken to a room and a grey-haired man barking orders. She was shoved face first onto a table, the last thing she saw was a sign that said: HYDRA. Then everything went black.

How many months passed, she didn't know. All she knew was that she was suddenly face to face with her lover, Gumbo, in a fight to the death. Somehow, he had managed to break through to her, beginning to undo all the work HYDRA had put into her. Confusion ensued in her mind. Around her, her friends were fighting for their lives and what did she do? She begged Gumbo to kill her; take her life and keep her from hurting anyone. He refused, instead throwing his staff down and taking her into his arms. Her sobbing pleas fell on deaf ears as his lips fell upon hers. Picking her up, Gumbo whisked her away from the fighting, the others falling into a temporary retreat behind him. The rescue mission was complete. She stayed with Gumbo for several months, recovering from everything HYDRA had done to her but, was it really over? Would she ever truly be free from the brainwashing that had inflicted upon her? She held no memory of what she had done while in their forceful service – none.

Confused and disoriented by the whirlwind of emotions she had felt recently, she asked for space from her lover (Gumbo); she just couldn't love anyone at this point, not until she figured everything out for herself. Christmas Eve rounded the corner and she was alone in Aces, after having dropped off a present for her former lover. Finding Gumbo's gifts for her, she put the locket on, which had a picture of them from the Cruise (before it had gone to Hell). Shortly afterward, she ran into her former husband, who seemed...changed. He was darker, more dangerous, and she could feel it in the air, the tension between them. He circled her, like a vulture, ripping the locket from her throat and looking at what was inside; fury coursed through him and she took the opportunity to run. Making it outside, she was shocked to find him blocking her way out of the side alley. She pleaded with him, while surreptitiously placing a call to Gumbo, who heard everything. Yet, by the time he made it to the club, all he found was her blood, the locket and her smashed cell phone in the snow.

Kendra awoke in a network of tunnels deep beneath the subway system of New York City. Upon trying to escape the first few times, he always found her and dragged her back to the defunct nuclear fallout shelter. Gumbo was out searching for her, even though he had no idea where to start. Eventually, Kendra stopped feeling sorry and tried to escape one last time, this time running into Gumbo. Their reunion was short lived as her former husband walked up to the reunited pair. Refusing to let the two men fight over her, she stood in between them, pleading with what bit of her former husband may have still been inside. She wasn't backing down, even when he grabbed her shirt and was getting ready to charge it. She told him to do it, she'd keep coming back until she got through to him then she hugged him tightly, sobbing for her best friend to come back to her. When her former husband's arms wrapped around her in a gentle hug, she knew she had gotten through to him – her best friend was back.

As the months passed by, she began pushing everyone away, just as she had Gumbo. She left the X-Men, moved into a downtown Manhattan apartment and began focusing on her other jobs: Owner of Aces Nightclub and being a detective for the Westchester County Police Department, as well as helping the X-Men out, on occasion. As time passed, she began forgetting more and more of her life with no idea why. She started to get ill, her body slowly failing her. In reality, this had started the moment she had arrived but had been so subtle as to go nearly undetectable.

One night, while staring up at the sky, she gave one silent plea to her deceased father: she wished he was there to help her understand what was happening to her. Oh, she missed him so much. Her plea went out, her Time Lord half unknowingly reaching out to her father; the TARDIS picked up her cries and whisked her father toward his daughter. What had been three years for Kendra, had been just days for her father. Ah, the beauty of Time Travel and the TARDIS being in a dimension/universe all of its own.

She awoke to the sound of a shotgun in her face and a man screaming hysterically that she was in his home. Staying calm, she slowly got out of bed, hands in the air. The moment he dropped his guard, she took him down, knocking him out when he glanced lustfully at her scantily clad form. Grabbing his gun, she headed looked out the window to see and feel a warm, summer day. It was odd, because New York City was actually in the middle of the worst blizzard they'd seen in years. Getting dressed, she headed downstairs, only for them to give out. She fell, impaling herself on one of the metal rods. Slowly, she pulled off and allowed her healing ability to heal her wounds, but it was taking a long time due to whatever had been affecting her. Once she was healed enough, she surveyed her living room, to see it looked like something out of a post-apocalyptic film – that was, if she ever watched such things. After glancing out the shattered window, she saw her former lover down below, dressed way to warmly for the summer weather, and that's when she saw the grotesque creature shamble into the living room: a Bandersnatch (Resident Evil).

The thing may have had a long, super stretchy arm, but it was dumb as a box of rocks. It lunged it's arm toward her and she manifested a bo staff but it grabbed it and yanked it out of her hands, leaving her to stand in shock. Then the idea struck. It lunged again and, again, she manifested a bo staff but was prepared this time, hanging onto it with her own strength when it tried to pull her toward it. With every ounce of strength she had, she yanked the staff toward her, ducking and lifting it over her head as the creature flew at her. Just at the right moment, she stood and released the staff, turning to watch the creature fall to its death out the window. SPLAT!


Death - coming soon

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