Director Smith (from RPme)

Last Updated: Sun 29 May 2016, 5:52:17

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Gender: Female
Age: 41
Sign: Pisces

Country: United States
Signup Date: May 29, 2016

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Kendra is a fictional character from my own mind. She was created as the daughter to a different character and the Doctor. Her playby is subject to change at my whim, if I decide to have her go through a complete regeneration. If she will, warning will be given in advance. Pictures on this page were found by me and edited, either from Tumblr or from screencap websites.

I'm actually quite easy to get along, even if these are in depth. I have been role-playing since late 2005/early 2006, so they have evolved over the years. Many times I've tried to shorten them, only to have to lay them out in depth for everyone all over again. Read these in their entirety. If you don't, you will be subject to deletion. I am here to write and I don't really like to have my time wasted. Sign with anything (other than "Read & understood"), plus a gif/picture of your character. Thank you.

Writing Style

I write in multi-para and novella style, though I hate labeling myself as such since I write what my muse gives me. I prefer to try to give out at least four solid paragraphs but, sometimes, it can be difficult if I don't have much to work with. With that dais, however, I do tend to lean more toward novella than anything else. I can write anywhere from 3-4 paragraphs all the way up to 20+. Don't ask me to write less for you, I won't do it. If this is a problem, please delete yourself off my page now. I write in third person format. Personally, I don't particularly care what format you write in (first or third) but I do find reading and responding to third person format a lot easier than first person.

Spelling and Grammar
I can be a bit of a grammar nazi with my work, not anyone elses. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, even though I always find something that I should have fixed prior to sending out. I do have a mild form of dyslexia, which is why I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. So, I do understand how tough it can be for others. However, if I can't understand what you are trying to express in your writing then I will probably not respond. At our ages we should know how to put a sentence together easily enough, with the proper punctuation. Don't give me something that is a constant run-on through a whole paragraph - it's annoying.

I don't particularly care who sends out the starter. Don't ask me to do it, however. It should be whoever would be better to start off. If you tell me you're not good with writing starters, I will refuse to do so outright. The reason behind this? We all have to start somewhere. Please note, I will accept random/semi-random starters, within reason.

I will get to them on my time, not yours. Lately real life has been giving me a good, swift kick in the ass, which has made replies slow. If you have a problem with not getting a reply back in a few days time, you can simply find your way off my list. I have plenty of others who will be patient. Now, I am a patient person when it comes to others replying to me, so I expect the same courtesy in return. I also don't always reply in the order they are received. Sometimes one storyline may be easier or I may just simply be more invested in a storyline with someone else. Either way, you will definitely get a response back from me.

I write as if each storyline is an episode part of a larger season. I find it easier to write this way, because it makes it a lot more fluid when I go to write up summaries to add to her biography. If you are multi-storyline, please have some respect that I am not. A storyline with me is almost a guarantee that you'll become a part of her history and expansion. I will not write multiples of the same storyline. It shows a lack of creativity and it's not fair to me or you other writers.

Messages are strictly for out of character discussion and interaction. I do not role-play through messages for the simple fact I get lots of messages in my inbox. Role-plays would get lost in the midst of everything else in there. And that's just not fair to you, the other writers.

Comments are for 1x1 role-play. I prefer this because I am to keep track of them this way. Once I send out a reply, and I'm certain the other has received it, I delete the one that was sent to me. The reason being is I save everything I write with others. I find it easier to delete what I have replied to, since it helps me see whose I still need to work on.

Blogs and Groups
I will use blogs or groups for storylines dealing with three people or more. It is easier for me to keep track of that way.

Open Group Storylines
I also participate in open group storylines set up by others on a very frequent basis. And I would highly suggest you do the same.

I don't mind greetings at all, since they are used to simply break the ice between writers. These can be sent to my comments or messages. I will respond, in due time, I promise. I will always respond in messages.

Progressing the Storyline
This is a pet peeve of mine. If you don't, or won't, help to progress the storyline then I will lose interest in the story all together. This is not meant as an offense to anyone, it's just a hassle when I'm the only person carrying the full weight on my shoulders. I mean, I'm creative but even I sometimes hit a roadblock.

Kendra is not a princess in need of a knight in shining armor; she is the knight. Therefore, I write everything from foul language to drugs to gore. I will not write incest or rape, however. I ask that people be 18 years of age or older. I know there may be some who are younger, who may be quite a bit more mature for their age, but I refuse to be held liable for you seeing something that you shouldn't. Enough said.

Trigger Warning
Everyone has their own triggers. Without knowing what a specific person's triggers are, you are being warned here. I do not, nor have ever, placed a trigger warning on my writing. If you have not read these rules and you see something that has a trigger for you, you have been warned here. If you complain, then I will know you didn't read these rules to begin with.

Please, don't do this. I am perfectly capable of writing my own character. I often allow my character to take hits from others, but I know the damage it will do to her better than you do. In fact, I am kinda known for letting my characters get beat to Hell. Kendra, however, bounces back fairly quick depending on the type of attack.

Killing/Forced Regeneration
Only I'm able to put her through a forced regeneration, not you. I know how much damage she can take before: her healing factor has trouble catching up; she goes into a Time Lord coma; she "dies" and has to regenerate.

I don't do it. You're welcome to comment my pictures, I don't mind. I, however, don't comment pictures unless I get the gumption to do so. So, if you do comment mine, don't expect one back. I am fairly busy and don't always have the time to do this. Apologies in advance.

You Add, You Start
This is one of the biggest B.S. and elitist things I have seen in rules lately. It shouldn't matter who added whom, since we're all here for the same thing. If you have a problem with this, tough. I am not here to cater to someone else's whim. I am here to write, relax and have fun.

Share Outs
Don't ask me to share you out, I won't do it right away. Why? Too many times people have asked me to share them out, so I do, only to find a few days to a week later the person deleted. So, due to this, I won't be sharing people out unless they can prove they're not going to disappear. And, even then, it will be on my time; not yours.

In character drama is great, I love it. Out of character drama - not so much. If you have a problem with someone I am writing with, or someone on my friends list, you can either delete me or (better yet) ignore them. I don't mind if you send me a warning ONCE in a message but I'll decide what to do over it.

Whiners and Bullies
I don't appreciate those who constantly whine and/or bully others. If I witness it, you'll be deleted without a word. If you come whining to me over one thing or another, I will delete you.

Constantly Making then Deleting
This gets under my skin. If you're going to make a profile, write. Don't up and delete; it screws up storylines, especially if there are multiple others involved. It's not fair to the other writers when someone does that.

Kendra can tend to be a bit of a flirt but only if it's needed to get out of an extreme situation, or she's undercover and trying to glean information from someone. She can be very sarcastic and overly serious, until another character gets to really know her. Flat out, Kendra can be a total bitch when pissed off so pray your character doesn't wind up on her sh*t list. Kendra is straight, not bi or lesbian. If you ever see in stream that I state otherwise, it is simply a joke. I will warn you right now, don't try to get into a relationship with Kendra. She is very closed off and distrusting of others. Meaning trying to get into a relationship with her is very difficult. Now, she's been in a few relationships in her life, but she's not going to fall for just anyone - she's extremely picky.

If our characters do get into a relationship with each other, please don't just abandon your profile. I understand if real life pulls you away, it does to me all the time. I also understand taking a hiatus. If she winds up getting into a relationship, it will be stated so on my profile, not in here. Why? Because it's just easier that way and it's there for everyone to see straight off.

I am a wife and mother of four in real life, that means my activity on here is fairly limited. Granted, I probably have more free time than most but I have responsibilities and people who rely on me outside of this site. They will always take precedence over this place, as they should. Patience with me will go far, I promise you that.

Out of Character
I am fine with this. I will always do storyline discussions out of character. I am a very friendly person, OOC, and do not hide the fact of my kids first names, or my husband's. The only name, however, that you shall know me by is Rose - that is my middle name and it's the only one I freely give out to everybody. Anyone, who really knows me OOC, will tell you I'm an open book and I wear my heart on my sleeve. BUT, I do have a dark side so, whatever you do, try not to get on it. "No second chances. I'm that type of woman."  (Bonus points it you know where that tweaked quote is from.)

Lurkers and Stalkers
If I find you are doing just that you will go bye bye. I have dealt with those in my time role-playing and have no qualms in using the block button.

I think that is all. I will add onto this, if I deem it necessary. Now, if you've read this far, please sign these... Sign with anything (other than "Read & understood"), plus a gif/picture of your character. Thank you.

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