Land of Zulfiquar: Djinn Home World [LOZ]

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Age: 119
Sign: Capricorn

Country: Angola
Signup Date: February 05, 2016

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LOZ Application
Category: Uncategorized

Custom Djinn Builder/Application

Its kind of like a custom character creator, but more awesome! lolz

We do recommend you look over our roles we have offered in the group before trying out the Application. But if you did you are not liking the roles we have offered but really want to get in on the djinn action then here are some quick simple tips to make your very own djinn/genie.

1: NAME: Whats your djinn's name? (Easiest part, right? I like arabic/muslim names for my djinn but djinn come from all walks of life. Hindu, Russian, etc etc. Origin of your name will determine where your djinn came from. Cool eh?)

2: SCENT/ESSENSE: Whats your djinn's Scent/Essence? (All djinn's have a special scent, it makes them unique from other djinns. Sometimes the scent is light if a djinn is in a normal mood, but can grow powerful and strong when excited or angry. hint: if you are not sure about a scent, just look up your favorite cologne/perfume on the web, some cologne/perfumes have websites and will discribe for you what their fragrance smells like. Be creative, and have fun with it!)

3: FACE/PLAYBY: What will your djinn look like? (For LOZ I sort of want the kpop look, and there are so many cool looking kpop singers/actors/actresses out there to use. Not sure? Then ask us and we will be happy to help you pick out a face.)

4: ELEMENT: What element will your djinn control? (For LOZ we give all our djinn a power element to manipulate and control. So take your pick, ex. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, Poison, Lightning, Sand, Dream, Soul, Ice, Light, or Dark)

Once you completed these four steps you've just created a badass djinn. So easy! So much fun to play!

Just fill it out and send it to us via message. Once one of the moderators for LOZ review your answers, you'll then be approved to make your djinn for LOZ and join in the fun!

We look forward to you joining us!

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