The Fae Realm

Last Updated: Mon 23 May 2016, 2:56:53

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Ancient History
Category: Uncategorized

Bathing in light in the Gardens of the Earth Fae lands of the Fae Kingdoms, two sisters lay in the grass.  Head to head, both staring up to the trees above them as they swayed in the light breeze.  Giggles could be heard from the girls as they whispered secrets to one another.  The Darker haired sister whispered into the pointed ear of her more fair haired sister, who covered her mouth with her hand, and giggled before whispering back into her sister’s pointed ear.  The Darker haired sister’s green eyes widened with a gasp as she tilted her head up to look at the sister above her, biting her lip.

“Aeval!” She exclaimed with a shocked tone before grinning. “You naughty girl.” She whispered, a clearly amused tone to her voice.  A wicked smile turned on the dark haired sister’s face while the fairer sister gawked at the girl’s shock.

“Like you are one to Judge Cuthda!  Sneaking into the Prince’s Chambers when you went to visit the Fyre Kingdom.”  Aeval exclaimed while her sister continued to smile.

“oh and what a fun night it was dear Sister.”  Exhaling a sigh of happiness at the memories from her night with the Prince, a soft smile formed on her lips. “You’ll know what it’s like one day sister.  Soon you will marry his Brother Finndo, and we will be sisters twice over.”“He’d have to agree to Marry you first Cuthda.”  Aeval reminded her Sister carefully.

“Oh he will.  I’ll make sure of it.”  A mischievous grin formed on the young Girl’s face as plans began forming to get the man she wanted to make her his Bride.

“What’s he like?” Aeval asked with a heavy sigh, her mind still on the Boy she was told that she would Marry one day.  Cuthda looked to her sister with some Confusion.

“The Prince?”

“Finndo.  I’m supposed to be his wife, but I have never met him, and know nothing about him.”

“He is Quiet.  Usually keeps to himself in the Library while his Brother practices his sword fighting with the soldiers.” Cuthda grinned, biting her lower lip at the thought of her black haired Prince shirtless, and sweaty, swinging his sword in just the right ways….  Her sister’s thoughts were much more innocent, her curiosity about the younger Brother to the Prince driving her near madness. “you’ll find out at the masquerade Ball tomorrow night.” She added with a nod.

 Almost as if on Cue, a bell chimed to announce an arrival in the Kingdom.  Both sisters looked at each other with grins, and scrambled to get up, and run through the field of flowers towards their castle to greet the new arrivals.

Arriving at the castle after a few minutes, giggling with flush cheeks, and slightly out of breath, both girls stopped dead in their tracks.  First off of the carriage that had arrived was the younger of the Brothers, finndo.  The dark blonde hair, and different colored eyes were unmistakable.  One Brown, one Blue.  He was a striking boy, and the sight of him made Aeval smile.  Her eyes met the man she was meant to marry, cheeks turning even brighter than they had been before.  His hand took hers in his own.  His touch was so warm, it made her jump slightly.  His eyes locking on hers as he kissed the back of her hand.

“Pleasure to meet you Princess Aeval.” he whispered to her with a charming smile that made her nearly melt.  His kiss had felt like that quick moment of warmth when her hand would flick over a freshly started fire.  The warmth stayed, and grew within her, warming her from the inside as she felt herself falling for that charming smile of his.  Cuthda’s eyes however remained on the carriage, awaiting the sight of her Prince.  When he stepped from the carriage, she bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement, restraining herself from flinging herself into his arms.  her head was swimming as he greeted her with a kiss to the cheek, and a naughty whisper in her ear that made her blush.  Her father looked on disapprovingly, but was distracted by the announcement of the King.

All attention turned to the Fyre King as he exited the carriage before greeting each of the girls, and leaving them alone with his sons to guide them inside their castle.  Each of the sisters took the hand of their chosen brother, and was lead into their home.  The Castle of the Earth Kingdom was made from the great tree, a spiral staircase twisting around from the tops of the branches, down, deep underground.  The stairs was made from the tree itself, woven branches near the top, an extension of the trunk twisting down to the ground where the roots took over, leading deep down in the dark earth.  Towards the top was where the rulers, and parents would be heading to discuss their political matters.  Down into the living area below was where the young Princes, and Princesses would head below ground to the living Quarters.

Without parental attentions, Cuthda grabbed the Prince’s hand, and drug him off to her chambers.  Aeval, and Finndo were left behind, alone for the first time, only moments after their first meeting.  Awkward, and shy glances filled the silence as each of them tried to think of what to do with their time alone.

“Want to see the Library?” She finally asked, breaking the silence as she grabbed his hand, and pulled him to the stairs, running deeper underground to the Library.  Once they reached the right level, they found themselves in a circular room, shelves of books built into the earth.  Holding both of his hands in hers, she pulled him to the center of the room with a wide grin.  She let go of his hands to spin around, making a wide gesture with both arms, pulling them in, and clasping her hands together with a wide grin once the spin was completed.  Her skirt  continued to swing one more time around before settling back into place.  He watched her instead of the books, smiling wide at her grand gesture.

“I hope that you are this lively at the ball tomorrow night.” He teased, wrapping one arm around her waist, and taking her hand in the other to begin a slow, musicless dance.

“Oh I will be.” She nodded, excitedly. “I hope you can keep up.”  Her smile beamed with happiness as they slowly danced across the library floor.“Oh I’m sure I will…..” He teased, spinning her before dipping her.  She let out a noise of surprise before giggling as she was dipped.  She grew quiet though as he hovered above her, the smile remaining as he slowly began to lean down towards her.  Their lips were close to touching, her eyes closed, ready to feel his lips against hers.

“Aev!” She heard her Sister call to her from the top of the stairs, a tiny squeal of surprise coming from her as she was dropped to the dirt floor.  cuthda paused halfway down the stairs, Aeval glaring at her with an intensity that would kill if it could. “Umm… I’m sorry…. it can wait.” She said, backing up the stairs.

“No.  Nevermind.” There was an angry tone to Aeval’s voice as she stormed up the stairs to her sleeping quarters. Cuthda hid her hands behind her back as she watched her sister with a frown.  Her thumb moved to fidget with the ruby ring on her left hand that the Prince had given her.

Finndo looked up at her with a frown. “He gave you Mother’s ring didn’t he?”  Cuthda nodded, and held up her hand with the ring, frowning.  “Go.  Tell her your good news, and let her know I will see her at the ball tomorrow.  We’ll recreate the dance even better.”  He smiled, and bowed his head to her.  “Goodnight my Future Sister twice over.”  WIth a quick bow, he was gone, most likely upstairs in his own sleeping quarters for the night.

Running quickly up the stairs, she stormed into her sister’s room.  She didn’t even knock, just opened the door, and thrust her left hand into her Sister’s tearstained face.  Aeval began to make a noise of objection before her eyes caught the ruby ring, and she gasped with Joy, clutching at her chest. “No way…” She said with a wide grin, grabbing her sister’s hand, and pulling it towards her own face for a better look.  Jumping up with a loud squeal of excitement, her arms flew around her sister, the petty fight forgotten completely as she rambled on about everything from the wedding date and location to what they would name their children.  The two sister talked themselves to sleep, curled up in each other’s arms, all anger towards each other Forgotten, and only their futures with their own handsome Princes on their minds.


The following day went by smoothly.  Breakfast brought to each of them in their individual rooms followed by more excited chatter between the sisters, even continuing into their visit to the tailor as their dresses for the ball were fitted.  The tailor tried to quiet them by placing the masks on each of their faces.  This attempt failed with every mask before he gave up and handed them each a mask on a stick.  They were then taken to have their hair fixed for the ball, Cuthda opting for a blonde wig, and Aeval having her hair made to match her sister’s.

For the rest of the day, and into the early beginnings of what would be considered evening if there were a sun in the Kingdom to set, the Young Princesses prepared for the ball, hoping to make an impression on their Princes.  The Princes however remained in their individual rooms, preparing in their own ways.  Finndo wore a simple black outfit, and a black mask with gold trim.  The Prince, his Brother wore an almost identical black outfit, but his mask was far different than his Brother’s.  It was a full headed mask that was in the shape of a Phoenix, their family symbol.  The part that rested over his head was designed to look like flames raising behind the Phoenix, and were made of glass in various colors, so light would shine through them and create the illusion of actual flames.  The actual mask part was the body of the Phoenix, the wings curving up and around his face.

All four of them were lead to the ball area outside where the masquerade was to be held.  It was a large garden area with an open field, trees hovering overhead, and surrounding the dance area.  Musicians of various types could be heard, the sound echoing through the trees before they were even announced.  The sounds of laughter and cheers from the other guests was unmistakable.  Each Princess was introduced at the same time as her chosen Prince.

The ball was a success.  Fairy wine flowed freely in celebration, leading to dancing from all involved.  While the Princesses were distracted by their wine and dance, Finndo was pulled aside by his Brother into the forest that surrounded them.

“I need to leave, but I don’t want father to know I have gone yet.” He told his younger brother, taking his mask off as he spoke, Finndo’s with the other, and switching the two. “I will be back in time for breakfast.” He reassured his brother with a nod before disappearing into the thick forest of trees.  Not another word was spoken before he backed his way out of the woods, fixing the mask on his head to match how his Brother had worn it.“There you are!” He heard a female voice exclaim.  He saw the blonde hair, and immediately thought of Princess Aeval.  He didn’t get a chance to respond before her lips were on his in a wine and lust induced kiss.  Her lips were so sweet and soft, he didn’t want to break it just yet.  Having completely forgotten about the mask switching, his focus remained completely on her.  She pulled away from the kiss abruptly, taking his hands, and guiding him deep into the forest.  He followed without a second thought.  The next thing he knew, her lips were on his again, hands exploring his body over his clothes…. no… there was her hand.  Grasping him, and pinning him to the tree, he was too distracted to fight.  Wasn’t Aeval supposed to be a virgin though?  How would she know how to… his mind was distracted by her touch again before he could even finish the thought.  Moving their bodies so she was against the tree, he didn’t break the kiss.  Her skirt was lifted, legs wrapping around his waist as her hands hurriedly moved to undress him.  She was so warm and inviting as he took her, no pain shown, only a gasp of pleasure as she moved in ways he could only dream of her knowing.  Yes, he was going to marry this wonderful woman.  Her hand moved to the back of his neck, twisting her fingers in his hair as she softly moaned his name… no.. Had she just moaned his Brother’s name?  It was then that he realized who she thought he was.  He paused in his movements, causing her to say his brother’s name again with concern.  She reached out, and light reflected from the ruby on her finger.  Oh no, this was not good at all.  He gasped, covering the lower half of his face quickly, knocking the mask from his head.  Cuthda let out a scream of surprise, covering the lower half of her own face as she leaned back against the tree.  Bending down to pick up the mask, he replaced it on his head as quickly as he could manage.

“No one must ever know about this.” He whispered as he adjusted his brother’s mask on his head.  “He left for the night, but wouldn’t tell me where or why.  Just that he’d be back by breakfast.”  Still covering her face, Cuthda nodded.  She was filled with fear at what her sister would do if she ever found out about this.  She knew he’d felt bigger this time.  Better… she’d almost wished it hadn’t stopped.  Suddenly she had a strange curiosity about the man in front of her.

“You know…. since we’ve already started….” She teased with a smirk as she stepped closer towards him, one single finger brushing lightly over his lips before she leaned up to kiss him softly.  Once he kissed back, she wrapped both arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to her so they could begin again.  She moaned the correct name this time, knocking the mask from his head as he pulled the wig from hers.  Their heated kisses, and moans of pleasure were quiet, but not too quiet for the rest of those at the ball.  The King had gone looking for his youngest daughter, closing in on them when he heard the grunts and groans coming from their secluded little area.

“Unhand her!” The King cried out, letting out a low growl when he saw the face of the young Prince, and realized that it was the younger of the two defiling his Daughter. “How DARE you come to my Kingdom, and soil my daughter at my own ball.  And it’s not even the daughter you are supposed to be marrying!” The King Drew his sword, and Aeval came running to stop him.  She hadn’t realized yet what was going on, but she knew her Father would not truly  want bloodshed at the ball.

“Father don’t!” She tried to yell out, her words catching in her throat as she saw her sister, and the man she had dreamed of marrying, frozen in each other’s arms. “no….” Was the only thought she could form completely, shaking her head and attempting to free the images from her sight and mind.  Tears formed as she realized it wasn’t just a pretend image.  She couldn’t look anymore.  

Before she even realized it, she was running.  She was running far, and she was running fast.  Tears streamed down her face, her hair blowing in the wind as she ran.  Branches tore at her clothes, ripping them.  One of her slippers flew off as she was running, but she was in too much of a hurry to escape the images inside her mind that she left it and let it become lost in the vast forest.  

Once her legs refused to run anymore, she fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.  Her tearstained face rested on the dirt, her body convulsing with sobs.  She had run so far, and so fast that she had no idea where she had ended up.  The small chiming of bells could be heard in the distance, but she ignored the sound.  Pixies must be flying somewhere nearby, they loved the forests.  Her sobbing continued until her body was completely exhausted, and there was nothing left in her to cry anymore.  All that was left now was sleep.

“Aeval!” Cuthda called after her sister, making a move to chase after her, only to be taken by the guards back to the tree castle.  “AEVAL!” She screamed again for her sister, her body thrashing wildly in protest of the guards grabbing her.  Finndo was taken by the king at the end of his sword, guided to the castle.

“She can come visit you after the wedding.” Her father said, guiding Finndo by knife point still.  “If my daughters are going to be defiled on my lands, at my own celebration, then one of you boys are going to marry her.  Prince, or no Prince.”  He continued, ignoring Cuthda’s pleas for him to stop.  She was horrified for her sister, and herself.  He had not been the man she picked to marry, but something about him had attracted her attention.  She hate that she was fascinated by him, and disgusted with herself that she didn’t care about the wedding.  All she could think about was how perfect his arms felt around her, and how much she hated it because she didn’t want to feel that way about the man her sister loved.

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