Queen Esmeralda Tepes Dracul Orcus {M_L~ Apollo} {TAK}

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Apollo & Esmeralda making wedding plans
Category: Uncategorized

Esmeralda had been inside all day being fitted for her wedding gown.  Three dress designer's pinning and tucking and lifting her hair and letting it down then twisting it up.  She wanted to be beautiful for only one person and that was Apollo.  

"Please, please, enough for today.  Perhaps you could go put your heads together and design something lovely for me.  I want to look my best on our special day but you are driving me insane with the contradictions of each other.  Away and go enjoy the day my friends ... I am going out doors to see if I can help Apollo with anything.. shhooo ... now be off witchas." she laughed and slipped into a white cotton caftan that was sleeveless and just skimmed her naked body underneath.  

Stepping out she looked up to the sun as she was a day walker but she did feel the heat.  Shielding her eyes she looked like a north american indian seen in portraits in the halls of the Royal Castle.  Then she spotted Apollo and what he was doing.  Lifting up her dress hem she quickly stepped across the slippery grass "Apollo!  You can't do those dishes like that they will break!  They must be handled with ...." and all of a sudden her body was hit full blast from the spray of the hose knocking her a bit off balance.  Sure enough she lost her footing in the slick grass and ungracefully came tumbling to the ground.  Sitting there now drenched with all the cotton clinging to the most obvious places she attempted to get up.  Up on her hands and her knees...doing fine...now a foot brought up to balance and push off of and down she went flat on her stomach.  

Finally she got her balance and with a wicked gleam in her eyes she found some mud made by her fiance's efforts to 'wash the dishes' and scooped it up in both hands.  Hearing his laughter and his apology which did not wash well with her she had the same sense of humour and putting her hands behind her she, which made the wet caftan stick tighter to her breasts and hips, she walked towards him with a lovely smile.  "I am sure it was an accident my love, these things happen, yes of course I missed you and those tailors were relentless.  At this rate it will be a year before my gown is done.  So if you are so sorry how about coming and giving me a big hug.  I need to feel your arms around me."she was laughing and truly was not mad but you know what they say about paybacks.

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Prince Vlad Tepes Dracul IV {S _ Not Looking} *TAK*


The majestic black stallion pawed his hoof into the pebbled driveway, impatient to get moving.  A portly looking chauffeur, wearing a tall ebony top hat, held the double reins while seated, tirelessly waiting for his Master to board the carriage.   Vlad was dressed in his finest caped ensemble, looking more like an undertaker than a Romanian Lord.  He was the renowned leader of the Dracul clan, an ominous entity among the lesser vampires who served him.   A deep frown ceased his face.  Today was the day his beloved sister was getting married to a golden-haired wolf god.  Bleh!  Vlad had no love for the lycanthropes.  Esmeralda had argued repeatedly that her fiancé was not a purebred lycan; that his mother was Gangrel vampire and his stepfather, a demon war god.  The genes of his natural father did not define Apollo.  He was his own person; kindhearted and generous with his love, a formidable warrior for a righteous and honorable cause.  She had then laughed in a casual manner of scolding Vlad for being so jealously protective of her.  Even though she was not imbued with the Dracul curse, Esmeralda was still a Romanian queen, a goddess on their mother’s side of the gene pool.

The sinister looking carriage had driven all night to a harbor, and from there, Vlad and his trustworthy subordinate boarded a private yacht to the Island of Atlantis, where the matrimony of his sister would be taking place.  Vlad was outfitted with a thick pair of sunglasses, and his pale skin coated with a moisturizing sunblock, to reduce the harsh burning glare of the afternoon sun during the wedding.  Although he was of an ancient linage, Vlad kept up to the times with the modern adaptations of daywalkers, by means of preventative injections into his blood stream, resistant to the sun.  He dressed in a long sleeved, sophisticatedly tailed tuxedo, coupled with a pair of stylish slacks that was specifically tailored for him.   After arriving at the harbor cove of Atlantis, his ominous carriage rattled down the gangplank to disembark upon the foreign soil of his future in-laws.

Clomp, clomp, clomp; the spirited stallion led the way along the coastal road.  Vlad could easily appreciate the natural beauty of this Island, a paradise in every sense of the definition.  Trotting at a steady pace along the road, identified as the main route to the Orcus castle, scenic waterfalls viewed along the way enhanced the atmospheric mood in their untamed beauty.  The Gothic castle was notably impressive in its dark foreboding personality.  Vlad rather liked its medieval Grecian style architecture, heavily accented fortifications and towers.  He felt a pang of green-eyed envy for the Orcus family, living in such refined antiquity.  The stallion veered into the long curving driveway, tossing its head as a crosswind teased through its thickly coarse mane.  Punctually late, as always, Vlad could see the wedding guests were seated, the ceremony already started. 

Wasting not one more minute of time, he stepped out from the carriage and slicked back his hair before proceeding towards his nervously pacing sister.   “Have no worries Sis”, he smiled reassuringly at her, “I would never miss such a momentously important day of your life.”
There were two ladies, identical twins,  both plucking away at their harps in a melodic montage of assorted songs as entertainment for the guests.  Vlad cast his gaze upon the twins,  enjoying the quality of their music as he hurried on to Esmeralda.

Moving into a fond embrace, he pecked her cheek with his lips, inhaling her scented skin and fragranced hair, “Hmmmm you smell and look delicious.”, he commented in his usual mysterious manner of speaking.   Vlad noticed without a doubt the Emperor and Empress of Atlantis.  They were not difficult to identify in their gothic style of clothing and peculiar mannerism.   Despite his earlier misgivings about them, Vlad had to admit that his baby sister was right about these Atlanteans.  They were indeed a likable bunch.   He now turned his attention upon Apollo waiting at the altar, the man who stole his sister’s heart away.  Glaring at the young man, silently sizing him up.

“I suppose we should get going then”, he sighed, surrendering to her heart’s whim, “Your groom awaits and he looks very, very nervous, indeed.”
Vlad entwined his long thin fingers into hers and brought her hand up gently to his lips.  He kissed the delicate bony knob of her wrist and gave an award winning smile,   “I promise, I won’t embarrass you, Essy”, he said, reverting to the childish nickname he had given her.  Placing her hand now in the crook of his bent elbow, Vlad stood with his slender frame straight and tall,  proudly escorting his baby sister to the altar, where he would give consent to her marriage.  The harp musician gracefully toned out a lively wedding march as they walked together, side by side.   Vlad felt as if his own heart would weep, with both sadness and happiness.  He was losing his sister to another man, but gaining an entire family of really awesomely cool  in-laws. 

As they approached the gazebo altar, Vlad again took Esmeralda’s hand into his and then gently handed her off to Apollo.  As he did so, he leaned forwards, closer to the young, nervous groom and whispered, “You had better do right by my Essy, or else you will see me again in your worst nightmares.” 
Seeing the bewildered look upon Apollo’s face, Vlad laughed softly and clasped a firm, friendly hand upon the shoulder of the anxious groom, “After the ceremony, come see me for a cold brew.  We can chill out while the ladies are chattering away like squirrels in a nut factory.”
At this comical remark, Apollo chortled loudly, along with Vlad, as he nodded his head in agreement. 

Posted by Prince Vlad Tepes Dracul IV {S _ Not Looking} *TAK* on Thu Aug 28, 2014, 16:08

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Queen Esmeralda Tepes Dracul Orcus {M_L~ Apollo} {TAK}


Apollo Orcus

Dripping wet without complaint or further retaliation, Apollo watched his fiancée run back to the castle. She had a delightful swagger of her curvy smooth hips during each hurried step. He stood mesmerized by the graceful litheness of her body until she disappeared from sight within the spacious interior of the castle. He frowned at the now muddy china and sighed as he bent to the task of cleaning them up, one by one and stacking them neatly upon an outside table. Apollo resumed rummaging through his parent's attic and shed for treasures that might be recycled into wedding decorations.

The sandy haired young man spent the next following day setting up a large tarp where wedding guests could sit to escape the heat of the sun, or else shelter from rain, if need be. A long rectangular table and several dozen chairs were placed around it. He had asked his mother’s permission to comb through her flower gardens for long stemmed roses, carnations, black-eyed-susies, and poppies with which to make bouquets of. Apollo enjoyed this special time spent with his mother. They delved into conversations revolving around the possible future of grandchildren. He reassured his mother that Es was very much a family type person, to which his mother had agreed on, with happiness shining in her dark eyes.

The Dark goddess had taken him by the hand, “Come my son, it’s time to get you all spiffed up for your bride.”
Not more than 2 hours later, his blonde hair was slicked back in a styling gel, and he wore a handsome suit. His Mom had tucked a white carnation into the buttonhole of his vest. She had woven together a corset for Esmeralda, made of red and white carnations. When Apollo was ready, he waited nervously at the altar for his stunning bride to appear. He shifted his weight from leg to leg while his hands fidgeted. His brother Lok was there also dressed quite handsomely. He wore a snug expression, feeling all important now. As a bridegroom, the younger brother held the rings that would be exchanged as tokens of love.

In the background, a solo harpist plucks away at the strings in a soft, melodic tune. The caterers had arrived in a van, and were shown to the castle kitchen, where they would be preparing a royal feast. They carried in bowls and more bowls of fresh ingredients. The wedding cake was carefully set on a wheeled cart and rolled across the grassy courtyard to where the reception would be taking place. Apollo and Es had chosen a scenic area of the Atlantean property for the reception. Numerous tables and chairs were already set out, ready for a catered meal. Esmeralda’s brother Vlad would be walking her down the quaintly floral pathway, to be given away in matrimony to her groom, her new husband, Apollo.

Esmeralda Tepes Dracul
She had not slept well at all last night. Some would say it was bridal day nerves but no she knew what it was. She slept alone with out her handsome romantic love holding her. The time of their past flashed in front of her through the night as she remembered it all so vividly. When she arose there were six handmaidens to attend her with her morning bath all chattering away at how she would be such a beautiful bride. It was all lost on her as she was not one for accepting much flattery as flattery from some can be so false. Esmeralda spoke her mind and thoughts and if a compliment or encouragement was given it was from her heart. Don't get her wrong for if she is backed into a corner she will look at her adversary and say in essence "you have one punch so you better make it a good one because it will be your last one" and she was known to take up for others being oppressed and bullied.

As she stepped out of the rose water they wrapped her in a warm bath sheet and led her over to and antique vanity with perfumes, makeup, hairstyling paraphenalia. She sighs as even though she is the Romanian Queen of the gypsies and Princess of the Dracul lineage she was a simple woman that looked for comfort more than style. So now it began as one maiden was Drying her hair while another doing her nails with the third putting on her makeup but by Es's request it was to be natural not heavy in black eyes for that was just not for her. So many fussing about her was beginning to unnerve her. She hadn't seen Apollo since their playful episode down on the front lawn. The castle was huge and she missed their cottage he had built for her in their special place. Wishing they were there alone again but soon after all this celebration is over they would be on their own as husband and wife. WIFE! She would be a wife and perhaps soon a mother as well. A feeling spread over her of such a need to be with Apollo.

As they finished and had her hair in place with flowers in it and then a simple tiara and sheer white veil which was pulled over her face as if a white mist but her beauty shone out from it. Then they all were finished and the one in charge of the tiara took it off again. Now was the time to step into her beautiful wedding gown. Feeling a bit guilty as Apollo had actually seen to everything for their wedding while she was being fitted with the gown for daaaayyysss. Her mind went to yesterday and the trick that Apollo had pulled with the hose. In all respects it did feel great but she then walked over to him so peacefully and he took her into a heated embrace that she almost felt guilty when the mud on her hands went all over his chest and back. Suddenly she chuckled as she remembered the last look in his eyes. His sexy grin with a ~this isn't over for you know what paybacks are~ but his paybacks she could die for as he knew just how to have her calling out his name for mercy..... Her body heated at the thought and her womanhood ached. ~Damn you Apollo no man should have such a skilled effect on a woman's body.~ She longed for the later part of the day where she could feel his 'hard' payback.

The old belief that the groom should not see the bride on the wedding day was held strictly to. She had a tupence in her shoe and a white lace garter with a simple green ribbon which was an old Greek tradition. They would exchange bouquets and drink wine from a chalice offered between them. There were no vows by tradition for in the drinking of the wine between the two of them was their pledge to the Gods and Goddesses of Atlantis that they dedicated their life to live together in honour of the deities. The newlyweds would have a big feast and dance for all their family and friends. Family! She had not see Vlad yet, was he coming.... would he be here to give her away... She went flush with worry.

"Oh!" she exclaimed as a pin stuck her that had not been removed in haste "Well that was invigorating, If I was not fully awake I am certainly now." she laughed good heartedly.

"So so sorry your highness. I think that was the only one. Now turn around please and I'll will lace you up the back." and with that the woman pulled and laced and pulled and laced until Es thought she was going to pass out. "There and you have such a beautiful figure your highness. You will make the Prince such a wonderful wife."

"Do you really think so... I do want to do all to please him. I love him so much." she walked over to a chair and sat down to put her white satin slippers on and for the young woman to put the tiara veil on her head. Es had had no breakfast as she felt a bit sick and ticked it off as being nervous. This had happened every morning this week. She would be glad when the wedding was over.

Finally she was standing there in front of the full length mirror and did not recognise the woman in it. The hand maidens and her started down the long corridor of the castle. She could see oout the windows that the front lawn was so beautiful and she knew her Apollo had done a lot of that.

Standing listening to the harp as she looked out at the crowd all she could see was her handsome Apoll waiting for her up the long Aisle. If only her brother Vladimir Tepes Dracul IV were here now.... where was he? Es was really getting nervous now and soon she would have to start down the aisle by herself.

Posted by Queen Esmeralda Tepes Dracul Orcus {M_L~ Apollo} {TAK} on Tue Aug 26, 2014, 14:08

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