Empress_*Olivia Talos* (MRK||TDG)

Last Login: May 28, 2024

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Age: 43
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Country: Portugal
Signup Date: May 06, 2015

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Doing whats best (pt1) SL with Cain Romanicus

The years seemed to move slow for Olivia it had only been two years since she last was back home. So much had changed she had changed. Her reason for leaving was justified. She had felt it was time to move on and see where the world would take her. Now that she had an empty nest at home , she was no longer married to Cain it only seemed right for her to find a new path. For months Olivia traveled through Europe staying with friends and even sneaking a peak at her human family in Spain. She felt content on seeing how her human family had grown. Generations of Talos family had moved to Spain and Portugal with some even to Italy and further. Olivia never got to close to them but always made sure they were safe and taking care of. She stayed a few months in Portugal then traveled to Spain where she had sent letters and called her kids asking any of them to come meet her in Italy. The replies she got back from most of them were “Sorry mom to busy maybe next time” she was okay with that she still told them where she would be if they changed their minds.

Olivia was packed and ready to head to Italy she had old friends there even an old company that her sister Danica ran was in Roma. She would go there first and see how things had been running. Within hours she had landed she had taken a night flight making it easier on her eyes and skin. She got to the villa she had booked online. She got the keys from the lock box while she opened the door she got a familiar smell. When she opened the door she was surprised by her children Jovanni, Ryder and Raia “surprise mom” she smiled big and ran to hug her children “you guys are crazy why didn’t you tell me you guys were coming” she kissed them all on the head walking towards the large living room taking a seat so they could talk. The conversation went on for hours she hadn’t seen her kids for awhile. They made plans for the next day to go sightseeing.
The following day they had all gotten ready and would be seeing the typical tourist sights plus a few places that were secret to tourist that only Olivia knew from her years living there with her siblings. The last stop would be the old factory that Danica ran but it had many years since she had even been there. The money it made went to the workers and towns people to help. It was already getting dark when they arrived to the factory. There were a few guards outside what Olivia thought strange was that they had riffles. She knew Danica was very particular with her businesses but armed guards for a small factory was strange. Olivia got out and walked over to them “hey, why so much…” she didn’t even finish her sentence when one of the guards started shooting in the air “allontanarsi da qui. Nessuna violazione di domicilio” which from Olivia’s bad Italian meant leave no trespassing. Olivia stepped back “hey my family owns this place stop this shit” she yelled to them. Few seconds later men ran out of the factory grabbing Olivia first while other went to the car. She then was in the dark they had placed a black bag over her head . She could hear Jovanni and Ryder fighting then a few shots went out “NO” she screamed out. Last thing that happened was she was hit in the head and blacked out.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been out when she finally came to her vision was blurry and trying to fix on where she was. She heard screams coming from somewhere but she was still waking up. A man speaking very bad English was talking to her she couldn’t make out what he was saying. Olivia closed and opened her eyes trying to focus. Finally she understood him “you will all die here, you all devil not human” he yelled into her face. When she looked up she saw her children all hung up and beaten “what have you done you asshole” she yelled back trying to move but was tied up with silver chains “let them go I’m the one you want to kill” she tried moving but still nothing “do you know who I am” she shouted out. The man laughed stepping back nodding his head to the men who stood next to her children. They began beating them with metal bars. Olivia looked at Ryders face which was already almost unrecognizable same for Jovanni. Olivia eyes moved to Raia she had been stripped naked legs spread apart. Olivia eyes turned almost black “you dare hurt my children, you’re fucking dead” she pulled so hard she ripped the silver chains off her hands finally able to stand she ran towards the man knocking him down to the floor sinking her fangs into him tearing off half his face in the process. With all the rage she had the chair broke away from her body. In her vampric speed she killed the other men in the room dodging their pullets. More men came running she killed them all until only one man stood.

They both stopped moving the man pulled out a large metal poll and swung it around ready to charge at her. Olivia cracked her neck “you’ll be dead in seconds” she ran towards him as he did to her she jumped up taking hold of his head within seconds his neck had snapped and he fell to the floor. Olivia stood up and ran to her children she unlocked them from their chains “go find something to cover your sister with” she got Raia down holding her close to her “its okay my love your safe now, its all over” Ryder brought a blanket over to her she covered Raia lifting her up “how are you boys” she only saw blood all over them their eyes swollen almost completely shut Jovanni replied “we need to rest mom we need to heal its been days like this” he fell to the floor Ryder tried to help him back up but was to weak “ok I know where to take you but I will tough” that’s all Olivia said as they all left the factory. Ryder had the idea to burn the place to the ground he knew his aunt Danica would be mad but after hearing what happened probably not so much.

Olivia drove for hours before reaching a small church “stay here ill be right back” she went in and came back with some men to help move her children inside. Finally, being settled and given blood to heal they all hadn’t gotten better. Raia was so badly bruised and cut up same for the boys. Olivia only had one solution but that would mean much heartache for her. She sat down next to her kids to explain what the only thing could be done to save them. They would need to be put under a deep slumber for some years. Slumber would heal them completely she would have to share her blood and say some words that made them go to sleep. The time under would heal them and even making them stronger. Jovanni was the first to speak up “Cant you ask my father for help” he asked looking so weak he barely could talk. Olivia gave a sigh “Jovanni my love your almost at the brink of death I don’t have time to get your father to help” she walked over to him giving him a hug and kiss on the head “I’m doing what is best for you all, I promise you that” the others gave a nod.

Olivia got everything ready finding three old caskets from the cemetery that had been dug up with no remains left inside. One by one everyone said a goodbye. Raia went under first she needed to heal quickly followed was Ryder then Jovanni. They were buried in the back of a small church that Olivia had made friends with many years ago and they knew she was undead. Olivia had given instructions on making sure nothing would happen to the graves. As Olivia drove back to the Villa she wept feeling so lost and even blaming herself for everything. The next stop she would need to make was to go speak to Cain. Her and Cains relationship was agreeable but sometimes difficult specially when it came to their children Cain was about order and duty and Olivia still thought of her children as babies at times doing all she could for them.

Olivia traveled through the night she had to speak to Cain right away she had to tell what had happened and what she had done to protect them. She knew he would be angry with it and it is involving their last born Jovanni it didn’t help the situation. Olivia got to Dark Garden she stepped out he would be showing his face soon he would smell her a mile away. Olivia looked up and saw Cain standing at the top of the hill they exchanged looks to one another. He waved her to come up.

Olivia walked up he seemed to be in good form. Olivia didn’t know how to begin but she had to tell him “Hey Cain, looking well I see. I have something to tell you and I know your not going to be happy” She began to tell him all the details what had happened and what needed to happen for her children to survive. What she knew would happen did he became angry and again they exchanged looks. Now she would give him the floor to speak. It wasn’t going to be easy .

03: PM 7 Comments  (Add Comment)  |  


My heartbreak (the return) pt1

 It had been so long since Olivia stepped foot in the Midnight Rose Kingdom. Returning home would be hard this time. Some of Olivia’s children were placed in a deep slumber after months of being tortured almost to death by a vampire coven they had encountered while Olivia traveled with her family. She knew they would be safe but not having them awake would be hard on her. The connection she had with Ryder, Raia and Jovanni was strong every once and awhile she felt them. Olivia entered her home seeing that some of her other children had been there even maybe staying there. She walked around picking up clothes and empty blood vials plus other things “these damn kids still cant pick up after themselves” she said to herself. She headed up to her room she wanted to unpack see what kind of wardrobe she had left since she knew her girls would have ransacked hers. 

Olivia walked into her bedroom tossing her duffle bag down she opened her closet most of her clothes were gone and others on the floor. She began to pick them up to hang. She was fixing the hangers when she noticed that her hidden shelf behind had some boxes moved. She wasn’t even sure what was in them. Olivia took one of the boxes placing it on the bed she removed the lid. A big smile came to her face the box was filled with old pictures. Many are of her time with Cain but mostly were pictures of the kids as babies. She took a few out remembering each moment as it was yesterday. She came across one of Ryder as a new-born she caught her breath feeling as she couldn’t bare to look at it she missed her children so much the pain was almost unbearable the next photo was of her twins Raine and Raia when she would dress them in matching outfits. She went through the others finding one of Jovanni. She took all three photos kissed them and set them on her dresser “one day we'll be together again my loves” she took another deep breath and went back to fixing her closet she wanted to have clean before the others came home. It would be the beginning of Olivia's new life for now...

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Secret Daughter ~( Rosa knows her father)


Secret Daughter ~( Rosa knows her father)

The years had passed and Olivia had kept on hiding a big secret. She never knew when it was the right time to reveal It. A few years back Olivia had left her Kingdom many things led to her departure ,things she wished to never speak about again. While she was away is when her secret begin. Olivia had been feeling sick a few months after her leaving. After taking some time to really think about it she knew what it was she was with child. Olivia couldn’t go back she had to go through this pregnancy alone. The months had past and she was in labor. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl safe in the refuge of a loyal Spanish coven. Olivia named her daughter Rosa she was the biological daughter of Cain Romanicus. Olivia wanted to keep this secret for as long as she could but with Rosa growing up so quickly and the other children ready to spill the news Olivia knew it was time. She finally told her who her father was and Rosa was determined to meet him and learn more about who she was

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Gisella’s Freedom ~


With the plans of her son’s wedding Olivia was never home much but she knew Gisella was always keeping watch. she was Olivia’s right hand on everything even more so after her failed marriage. She knew she can count on Gisella for anything she trusted her with her family her business always trying to teach her how to be an independent and strong female vampire. it wasn't so long ago when Olivia turned Gisella they were bonded by blood friendship and love. Years ago Olivia noticed Abel have been taken by Gisella she was of course beautiful  young and good match in Olivia’s eyes but after her depart of the Romanicus family they hadn't seen much of each other . It had got to Olivia’s attention that they had rekindled their acquaintance at a dinner party . Olivia were bonded also by thoughts not that Olivia would ever pry but she knew Gisella had fallen hard for Abel. it was no surprise to her when they secretly got married Olivia was happy for her friend, her companion her protégé she knew what it was to be in love and she wished them all the best.  it was now time to let Gisella free she no longer had to be a servant to Olivia they would always have the bond by blood and love but now that Gisella was married. she was now her own woman she now belongs to her husband not as a servant but his partner in life and all aspects of a marriage.


Olivia sat at her desk writing up the new contract declaring Gisella’s freedom. she no longer had to serve Olivia she was free to be her own but if some reason her marriage was to end Gisella would return to Olivia by contract of blood and the laws of the elders. Olivia made a copy of the contract the original would be signed by Gisella and returned back to her and a copy would stay with Gisella if it was ever needed.  Olivia would send the letter off enclosed with a wedding gift a set up blood daggers that belonged to Olivia’s family and a red diamond necklace which held a drop of Olivia’s blood if ever Gisella needed to prove who was her original maker.Olivia now would look for a new protégé but no one would ever compare to what Gisele was to her.

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Returning Home

The return home to Midnight Rose Kingdom was something Olivia knew would be hard. She had been gone over a year or so. She traveled the world visiting old friends and even making new ones but it was time to go back and deal with the consequences of taking off without a word. She had left behind a husband and her children. What would she be coming back to? Olivia took off from Italy she had bought a new car for the journey home. Making just two phone calls to her brother Asher and eldest son Ryder letting them know she was returning everyone else she would deal with when she got there. So many thoughts went through her mind on how her family would react. She could see her home from the distance it still looked the same Olivia loved her castle it had been decorated all to her liking it was where she shared so many memories with Cain and the children. She pulled into the large driveway she stepped out slowly looking up at the grand home. The main door opened a butler came down to greet her Lady Olivia, welcome home Ill take your bags in all Olivia did was nod and smiled walking past him and heading up the main stairs to the castle . 


Olivia walked through the house it was empty at the moment but she could see that the kids had been there just from the mess in the living room and kitchen. She gave a smile as she continued onto her room. It seemed untouched all her belongs she went to her closet to find something more comfortable to change into. Picking out a white gown Olivia took a seat at the couch she wanted to go through her bags she had brought gifts for the children just a few trinkets from the places she had been. The home was quiet she laid back hearing the air blow through the trees even the birds chirping was calming. Olivia drifted off it was good to be home she would have to wait on who would be home first....she wasnt sure how long she had been in her vampric sleep when she heard the door open. She popped up waiting to see a familiar face. Well she hoped it was... 

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*The Birth* Romanicus Twins

It had been a few days since Olivia and Cain had celebrated their one year wedding anniversary they had just a small get together with their children. Olivia had been told the twins would be due around the same date but that evening nothing had happen since then every night Olivia now sat on the bed whilst Cain would talk to the twins even occasionally poking at her stomach hoping that might stir up some action but all that did was get one of the twins to kick away. Cain would then massage at her back since it eased her nerves which was starting to get the best of her she had given birth before but this time the pregnancy took its toll even when she had her twins Raia and Raine it was an easy pregnancy not to mention the boys Ryder and Aramis was quick and almost painless.

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Olivia laid back onto Cain closing her eyes as he rubbed her back then slowly began to rub on her huge belly she was starting to relax when a sharp pain went up her back her eyes opened quick that was the first sign that labor was soon coming Amor they will be coming tonight I can feel it she turned around enough to kiss him. There was another sharp pain now she knew it was contractions she gripped Cain's hand "Ooooh, Ooooh..that was a big one, I think you might have to help deliver them papi not sure they can wait much longer she tried not to scream but the pain was increasing as she moved her body to attempt to find a more comfortable position.

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~Family Breakfast~ (Open SL)

~Family Breakfast~ 
It was early when Olivia awoke the sun hadn't even rose the twins were keeping her up it seemed when she wanted to rest they wanted to play kicking back and forth inside her growing womb. Olivia looked over Cain was still asleep she had no intentions on waking her husband he had has a busy schedule dealing with the kingdom. She slowly stood up walking over to the vanity chair taking her purple covered robe and covering her naked body she ran her hand over her bump okay little ones play away mommy is going to take a little walk she smiled as she closed the door behind her making sure Cain was still fast asleep.

Olivia walked down the long hallway glances up a few times seeing the portraits of the children hanging one by one how time passes she thought in her mind stopping at a picture of Ryder her first born soon he would be married and off to a new world of his own with his wife who she had hope to meet soon walking on she saw the girls how beautiful they have all gotten even if they weren't born of her she could see small similarities between herself and them aren't your siblings lovely my little ones giggling to herself she walked to Aramis's picture she saw so much of Cain in him the stern face the dark eyes he to would be married soon. It was hard to believe that as ones were leaving new ones would soon fill the house.

She went downstairs she would prepare some breakfast for Cain and who ever else wished to eat. She could have used her vampric speed to get it all done quicker but she enjoyed cooking for her husband and her family it made her remember her human life. She bounced around the large kitchen cutting up fruit, stirring up eggs, coffee brewing, making toast and even flipping pancakes. She set the large table not sure who was even home or would be awake but made enough room for all. Waiting last to fry the bacon which she knew would wake her husband by the smell she placed the food in the middle the variety was endless. Olivia took a piece of toasted adding some grape jam she sat at the table, who would come first for breakfast 

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The Family Grows by 2

As the morning started in the Midnight Rose Kingdom something else had also started it wasn't the sun rising behind the mountains but the small bump that was now growing in Olivia's stomach. The night before she had suspensions that she could be with child since now being with Cain his powers were strong allowing her to bare children life could grow inside her,the feeling felt familiar to her body. Olivia turned over laying in bed she ran her hands over the small bump this had happened quickly just as it did when she had Raine and Raia Twins she mouthed out with excitement she moved her hand to awake Cain she gave him a few gently smacks on his back. How happy he will be to have more children they had talked about having millions if possible but never planned when Amor! Wake up look at magnificent gifts we'll be receiving she moved to get up walking her naked body over to Cain to let him see with his eyes their new joyous news..

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Hazel's Request {Blood Daughter}Pt 1

Things were now settling in at the Midnight Kingdom most of Cain's children had come back home some staying in their own parts of the humongous estate. Olivia's children also popped in once in a while but all were grown now busy with their own lives. Olivia had thought of more children but thought best to wait not that Cain wasn't persistent on the matter but for now she wanted their kids to flourish and take over the world in their own way she knew her and Cain had taught them well.

One evening Olivia was in her office she had gotten back into work she had major events to plan and her sister Danica had already been on her back about last minute details for the grand blood ball she hosted with Deacon Frost she had just finished a call with them both and was looking over receipts when she felt Hazel near by she had gotten use to each of the childrens scents. She got up walking to the door when Hazel appeared Evening hun is everything okay? she walked her into the office taking a seat on the couch. Hazel began to speak of her past and that her mother had died after her birth but she had lived in the care of friends of her father in France only to be told of what who she was when she was older.

They both talked for hours Hazel had come with an idea that she wanted Olivia to share her blood to become a blood daughter to Olivia since Cain's blood already was racing through her veins she wanted to be a full vampire not just a bruja like her mom was, and being only half vampire had its struggles when it came to other siblings. Olivia asked if she had spoken to her father and what it would mean and take to do it. Hazel replied that she had and he wanted Olivia to decided if thats something she would do. Hazel knew that it would be painful since being only half vampire she still had some human traits sharing blood would now mean Hazel would become a full vampire with Olivia as her blood mother in the end she would be a vampire witch doing all the same things she did before but with an appetite like a vampire.

Olivia sat back in silence she had to think it over she had no problem turning Hazel into her blood daughter she'd be happy to do that for any of Cain's children what Olivia was contemplating was the pain Hazel would go through and if she would make it past all of it, sharing her blood with Hazel meant that she would now have a stronger bond with her like she does her own children the ability to speak with their minds even during the farthest distances, sensing all emotion in one way or another it was a special bond just like what she had with Cain but now more motherly. Olivia reached out and touched Hazel's cheek she gave a loving smile and gave her answer I would be honored to have you as my blood daughter Hazel you're loved already by me so much as is all of your father's children she gave Hazel a hug lets us share the good news to your father and plan when it will take place, I want you prepared she stood up taking Hazel's arm as they went looking for Cain in the castle.

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Joining of family~~

Olivia had just returned back to the Midnight Rose Kingdom looking much different from when she left almost at the of her pregnancy. Olivia felt best her children come and stay with her she would be also asking Cain′s children to come she wanted the whole family there when the newest member was to be born. Cain and Olivia has discussed names but would wait until their sons birth to announce it. Olivia sent messages out the first wet to Ryder she had missed her first born she wanted to know he was safe which she knew he would be, her brother Asher and Danica would have seen to that her next messages went to Raine and Raia they would be together which made Olivia smile thinking how close their bond was. Olivia knew Cain had many children but two that she was more connected to was Tia and Serena she sent messages to them quickly as well their father would be happy to see them.

As days went on Cain was busy with helping his people rebuild Olivia did what she could but the pregnancy was taking its toll on her body so she rested more often. Sitting in the parlor she sat back drinking a fresh cup of blood it helped with the discomfort and the baby didn′t seem to mind the taste. Throwing her purple locks up in a bun she closed her eyes her mind went to when Ryder was born he was such a happy baby her sweet little pumpkin then flash backs to the twins that was a hard one on her she had done it all alone but wouldn′t had wanted any other way she remembered seeing their angelic faces made her smile wide thinking of her children she couldn′t be more prouder of how grown they had become and such amazing people they are as adults, now to be having her first child with Cain just filled her with so much joy they had fought to be together and now growing their family was really the start of what they had waited for. Olivia recognized a familiar smell getting close one or all of her children had entered the kingdom she sat up waiting to greet them soon her and Cain′s would be home ...and their new brother would be born. 

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