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KOED realms: XILBABA ~ Ruled by Dementra Lucina Lust-St.James~
Category: Uncategorized


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Xibalba /ʃɨˈbɒlbə/, roughly translated as "place of fear", is the name of the underworld in K'iche' Maya mythology, ruled by the Maya death gods and their helpers. In 16th-century Verapaz, the entrance to Xibalba was traditionally held to be a cave in the vicinity of Cobán, Guatemala. According to some of the K'iche' Maya presently living in the vicinity, the area is still associated with death. Cave systems in nearby Belize have also been referred to as the entrance to Xibalba.  Another physical incarnation of the road to Xibalba as viewed by the K'iche' is the dark rift which is visible in the Milky Way.



Xibalba is described in the Popol Vuh as a court below the surface of the Earth associated with death and with twelve gods or powerful rulers known as the Lords of Xibalba. The first among the Maya Death Gods ruling Xibalba were Hun-Came (One Death) and Vucub-Came (Seven Death), though Hun-Came is the senior of the two. The remaining ten Lords are often referred to as demons and are given commission and domain over various forms of human suffering: to cause sickness, starvation, fear, destitution, pain, and ultimately death. These Lords all work in pairs and are Xiquiripat (Flying Scab) and Cuchumaquic (Gathered Blood), who sicken people's blood; Ahalpuh (Pus Demon) and Ahalgana (Jaundice Demon), who cause people's bodies to swell up; Chamiabac (Bone Staff) and Chamiaholom (Skull Staff), who turn dead bodies into skeletons; Ahalmez (Sweepings Demon) and Ahaltocob (Stabbing Demon), who hide in the unswept areas of people houses and stabbed them to death; and Xic (Wing) and Patan (Packstrap), who caused people to die coughing up blood while out walking on a road.[4][5] The remaining residents of Xibalba are thought to have fallen under the dominion of one of these Lords, going about the face of the Earth to carry out their listed duties.



Xibalba was a large place and a number of individual structures or locations within Xibalba are described or mentioned in the Popol Vuh. Chief among these was the council place of the Lords, the five or six houses that served as the first tests of Xibalba, and the Xibalban ballcourt. Also mentioned are the homes of the Lords, gardens, and other structures indicating that Xibalba was at least a great city.


Xibalba seemed to be rife with tests, trials, and traps for anyone who came into the city. Even the road to Xibalba was filled with obstacles: first a river filled with scorpions, a river filled with blood, and then a river filled with pus. Beyond these was a crossroads where travellers had to choose from among four roads that spoke in an attempt to confuse and beguile. Upon passing these obstacles, one would come upon the Xibalba council place, where it was expected visitors would greet the seated Lords. Realistic mannequins were seated near the Lords to confuse and humiliate people who greeted them, and the confused would then be invited to sit upon a bench, which was actually a hot cooking surface. The Lords of Xibalba would entertain themselves by humiliating people in this fashion before sending them into one of Xibalba's deadly tests.


The city was home to at least six deadly houses filled with trials for visitors. The first was Dark House, a house that was completely dark inside. The second was Rattling House or Cold House, full of bone-chilling cold and rattling hail. The third was Jaguar House, filled with hungry jaguars. The fourth was Bat House, filled with dangerous shrieking bats, and the fifth was Razor House, filled with blades and razors that moved about of their own accord. In another part of the Popol Vuh, a sixth test, Hot House, filled with fires and heat, is identified. The purpose of these tests was to either kill or humiliate people placed into them if they could not outwit the test.


Downfall of Xibalba

Xibalba was home of a famous ballcourt in which the heroes of the Popol Vuh succumbed to the trickery of the Xibalbans in the form of a deadly, bladed ball, as well as the site in which the Maya Hero Twins outwitted the Xibalbans and brought about their downfall.


According to the Popol Vuh, the Xibalbans at one point enjoyed the worship of the people on the surface of the Earth, who offered human sacrifice to the gods of death. Over the span of time covered in the Popol Vuh, the Xibalbans are tricked into accepting counterfeit sacrifices, and then finally humiliated into accepting lesser offerings from above. Anthropologist Dennis Tedlock has speculated that this version of history may be a Quichean slander on earlier Mayan forms of worship.


The role of Xibalba and the Xibalbans after their great defeat at the hands of the hero twins is unclear, although it seems to have continued its existence as a dark place of the underworld long after.


Modern cultural references

    Xibalba Sulcus, one of the geological features on Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, is named after Xibalba.

    The place is featured in the films The Fountain as Orion nebula[11] and The Road to El Dorado as an eternal whirlpool.

    The place is featured in the video games Tomb Raider Underworld, Atlantis II, Persona 2: Tsumi

    The place is featured in Jon Rosenberg's Goats (webcomic).

    The place is prominent in Steve Alten's science fiction novel Domain.

    A mini-series, "The Princes of Xibalba", are four songs by the band Estradasphere, on the album It's Understood.

    The Guatemala-Mayan author Luis de Lión wrote the novel El tiempo principia en Xibalbá (Time Began in Xibalba, publ. 1985).

    In the book The Necromancer: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott, it is a shadow realm, a large cave, known as the Crossroads of the Shadowrealms

    The club owned by Dee Snider's character in the movie Strangeland is called Xibalba. According to the movie, Xibalba means "Door to Hell".

    Beat poet Allen Ginsberg described a visit to the place in his 1954 poem 'Sieste in Xbalba'.

    In the book Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card, after traveling back through time to 15th century Central America, the character Hunahpu plays the part of a messenger of "The Lords of Xibalba" to his Indian ancestors, as part of a plan to change their beliefs and create a less-aggressive alternative future.

    In the video game Persona 2, the final dungeon is Xibalba, which due to a curse on Sumaru City involving rumours becoming reality, is an ancient spaceship that levitates the entire city in the air. Several Mayan demons are also in the game, such as Camazotz (who is frequently encountered in Xibalba itself). One method of reaching Xibalba is going through the Silver Silver, also known as the Milky Way.

    Level two of the video game Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure takes place in Xibalba.

    The Rotting Christ 2013 album's Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Εαυτού first song is entitled In Yumen - Xibalba.



1.                  Dementra Lucinda Lust-St.James: ruler of Xibalba; mother of Myra Wells: http://www.fandomain.org/view_profile.php?member_id=892

2.                  Myra Wells: daughter of Dementia and Randy: http://www.fandomain.org/view_profile.php?member_id=976

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