Cliona Novus {Fae} {FW-KD}

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119 years old
Dublin, Dublin
Ireland - D1
Last Login: February 04 2023

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-----------------------------ABOUT ME---------------------------------
-----------------------------LIKE TO MEET---------------------------------

NAME: Cliona Novus
NICKNAMES: Input info
ALIASES: Input info
DATE OF BIRTH: It is not nice to ask a lady her age
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seelie Courts

ETHNICITY: Fae, do not call me fairy or whatever that little green ball that leaves glitter behind is called, its offensive.
EYE COLOR: Light Pink
HEIGHT: Input info
WEIGHT: Input info

Traits: Input Info
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Dislikes: Everything and Everyone
Quirks: Input Info


Cliona Novus

Legends say I am the Celtic goddess of love and beauty. Other legends say I have mystical birds that can sing and heal the sick. Another even says I lure mortals to their deaths. I quite like that one, especially because it is true. None of these legends bother me. I find it humorous that humans like to come up with so many legends to explain something so simple. If only they knew so many of the legends they created were so wrong. Like the fact that I actually am a fae…or fairy as humans like to call us. I despise that word because it is associated with that idiotic green fairy, what do humans call her? Powderpuff? TwinkleStar? No wait…Tinkerbell. Right that’s it. While yes we can resort to a small form with wings, but the proud and true fae wouldn’t be caught dead looking or acting like that green insult. Now back to legends. There is one legend I despise. Why you may ask? Because it makes me look like a fool. Perhaps in the past I was a fool, but now…a fool I will never be again. So what is this legend you may ask? Well I shall tell you but make sure you listen well because I will not repeat myself. If you didn’t listen close enough the first time then that is your fault not mine. This legend says I left my home for a beautiful human man. We fell madly in love and I couldn’t resist him. After leaving my home and turning my back on the fae, I feel asleep while my lover was out. While asleep I was suddenly swept away by the sea and presumed dead or returned to the fae. Sounds like stuff of magical fairytales that mother’s tell their children before bedtime…makes me want to gag. Would you like the truth? I am sure you would, humans can’t resist sticking their noses in business that is not their own. I did not fall in love with this human. While he was gorgeous I wouldn’t have left the fae for a silly human. Humans have such a short life, what would I have done after he died? Condemn myself to be miserably alone? No instead I was going to take him as my pet. As I said he was quite gorgeous as well as great in bed. I planned to bring him to the Fae realm with me and once I grew bored with him I’d send him back to his realm. However things didn’t turn out like I planned. The little rodent had the nerve, the gal to tell me I tricked him. That somehow I cursed him to be addicted to me and he couldn’t find pleasure in another women. Firstly, well yes perhaps I did not tell him that once a human experiences pleasure from a fae they have trouble finding relief from another human. But he should have felt honored that I bestowed my attention to him. Most fae never bring a human to our realms, it is considered an honor to do so. Secondly, when last we spoke I had told him if he touched another women I would kill him. I am a very jealous Fae. And yet here this fool stood, brazenly telling me he tried to become aroused with every women in his village yet he could not. I had planned right then and there to kill him. I could already imagine me wrenching his head from his shoulders, watching the life quickly die from his beautiful blue eyes. However, once again, things didn’t go as I planned. I should have been expecting it, I should have known once I saw the anger and resentment in his eyes that he had something planned. The young me, however, was still a fool then and was lost in a lust filled craze. It had been a while since I had been with him after all. Somehow, he was able to learn about a fae’s weakness, Iron. Iron to a fae is like silver to a werewolf. It weakens us and renders us incapable of using our abilities, especially if we ingest it. Enough about our weaknesses and back to the story. While I was stuck in my head, imagining his death, friends of his were able to sneak up behind me and toss chains of iron around me. As I fought to get away, snapping and snarling at the men, he forced melted iron down my throat. Once they attached a significant amount of weight to my chains and body, all the while I cursed and screeched at them, they tossed me into the sea. Weighted down by the weight of the chains and rocks attached, I quickly sunk to the bottom. I am sure you now want to know how I am speaking to you if I drowned at the bottom of that sea? Well here’s what continues to bother me today. You see, fae won’t die from a simple drowning. We don’t die from being burned, shot, stabbed, and the list goes on and on. No instead it takes a special kind of weapon to kill us. Of course I won’t tell you what that weapon is. So I sunk to the bottom, alive, and remained alive day after day, and continued to live century after century. I kept thinking one of my brethren would come and save me, but no one ever came. Perhaps they believed the legend. That I abandoned them for a human and I got my retribution by being swept away by the sea, forever forgotten. And while they may have forgotten me, I never forgot them. As I remained at the bottom of the sea, resentment and hate began to build inside me. Resentment and hate not only for my brethren but the human race. The sins of the human race is encouraged the fool to attack and toss me in the ocean. However, as time passed, some of the rocks slipped from the chains, allowing me to raise slowly over the centuries. Along with that, storms continued attacking the sea, rocking me back and forth, pushing me up towards the edge of the sea. It was almost as if it has grown tired of me being within its depths. I was finally out of the sea, but the chains continued to bind me. Adding to the fact that I hadn’t moved in centuries, all I could do was lay along the rocks. It was then that I was rescued and indebted to the man…That however is another story for another time…

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Connection Name Here


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Connection Name Here


Connection Name Here



Multi-para to novella only?
Third person POV format?
Role play in comments only?
Put a couple of notations here.

Owe _________ a starter
Owe _________ a comment

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AIM: ___________
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