~Princess Serana Volkihar-SOS-TAK-Volkihar Clan~(Loves Crow and Only Him)[His Sassy Vamp]

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"First Serana roleplayer || Skyrim/Elder Scrolls/Crossover/Open Verse Heart belongs to Crow No rude ooc behavior allowed or it'll result in removal from my list"
114 years old
Bekkjarvik, Hordaland
Norway - Volkihar
Last Login: June 27 2024

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   Contacting ~Princess Serana Volkihar-SOS-TAK-Volkihar Clan~(Loves Crow and Only Him)[His Sassy Vamp]

 ~Princess Serana Volkihar-SOS-TAK-Volkihar Clan~(Loves Crow and Only Him)[His Sassy Vamp] has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

~Princess Serana Volkihar-SOS-TAK-Volkihar Clan~(Loves Crow and Only Him)[His Sassy Vamp] has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.