Abel(Norse)Protector to Ása,Herdis and Alva{Yggdrasil Kingdom}

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""I may not be the hero of this story, but at least I get to see the end of it!" "
119 years old
Bakkafjörður, Austurland
Iceland - 12345
Last Login: February 26 2021

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   Contacting Abel(Norse)Protector to Ása,Herdis and Alva{Yggdrasil Kingdom}

 Abel(Norse)Protector to Ása,Herdis and Alva{Yggdrasil Kingdom} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

Abel(Norse)Protector to Ása,Herdis and Alva{Yggdrasil Kingdom} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.