●|Elphame Queen|● Rayne LeMoan--bhail Sgàil |● KON●|

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"Original Character since '06
I hold a ice in my left hand and shadow in my right. There will be no damage control today.
Searching for her Consort.
Matriarch of Geamhrail Dris.
119 years old
Bangor, Gwynedd
United Kingdom - 00000
Last Login: February 21 2024

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   Contacting ●|Elphame Queen|● Rayne LeMoan--bhail Sgàil |● KON●|

 ●|Elphame Queen|● Rayne LeMoan--bhail Sgàil |● KON●| has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

●|Elphame Queen|● Rayne LeMoan--bhail Sgàil |● KON●| has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.