Livana Njorthrbiartr {Owned by Emp Angelus Bloodraven}{Norse Mythology}{Hound of Helheim}{Daughter to Fenrir}{Marvel Verse}{Thor Verse}{Big Bad Wolf}{Wolf Goddess and Overseer of Helheim}{Mated to Amarok and Pregnant}{CA}{TNR}{RODS}

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"Livana Njorthrbiartr {Owned by Emp Angelus Bloodraven} {Norse Mythology} {Hound of Helheim} {Daughter to Fenrir}{Marvel Verse}{Thor Verse} {Big Bad Wolf} {Wolf Goddess and Overseer of Helheim} {CA}{TNR}{RODS} Mated to Amarok EST. March 27, 2021"
34 years old
Skivika, Østfold
Norway - 587965
Last Login: March 14 2024

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   Contacting Livana Njorthrbiartr {Owned by Emp Angelus Bloodraven}{Norse Mythology}{Hound of Helheim}{Daughter to Fenrir}{Marvel Verse}{Thor Verse}{Big Bad Wolf}{Wolf Goddess and Overseer of Helheim}{Mated to Amarok and Pregnant}{CA}{TNR}{RODS}

 Livana Njorthrbiartr {Owned by Emp Angelus Bloodraven}{Norse Mythology}{Hound of Helheim}{Daughter to Fenrir}{Marvel Verse}{Thor Verse}{Big Bad Wolf}{Wolf Goddess and Overseer of Helheim}{Mated to Amarok and Pregnant}{CA}{TNR}{RODS} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.

Livana Njorthrbiartr {Owned by Emp Angelus Bloodraven}{Norse Mythology}{Hound of Helheim}{Daughter to Fenrir}{Marvel Verse}{Thor Verse}{Big Bad Wolf}{Wolf Goddess and Overseer of Helheim}{Mated to Amarok and Pregnant}{CA}{TNR}{RODS} has a private profile, you must be a friend to view.