Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain How Jenny came to FW and met Seven 2016-07-13 The controls of the Tarids hummed and Jenny looked at them with curiousity. Something deep in her knew exactly which button to press and which lever to pull. She didn't know why or how - well, she did know, that her dad's memories were part of her DNA now. At least the bit he was able to share in such a short time before the time wrap slingshot Free World/ Dark Moon Nation: The Doctor's Family 2016-07-12 (The following is a story set in Free World′s universe. The "Doctor Who" Doctor is the one made within this alternate reality. This story is written by the writers behind the Doctor and Jenny).Free World. It was the Doctors favourite planet. The people were so diverse. It′s nations ranging from advanced cities to rural farmlands and cas