Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Combat, Physical Abilities and Survival. 2016-09-29 Combat, Physical Abilities and Survival was added to the original classes to ensure that the students had bodies as sharp as their minds. The classes also train them to use physical powers, abilities or enhancements responsibly. These classes are taught by Seven Temp'elar. History, Mythology and Ethics. 2016-09-29 History, Mythology and Ethics are taught by Lady Cinder, Styxx and special guests. Covering the past of Free World it is a class that also teaches the students to understand how to use their abilities and the responsibility of power. Science and Interstellar Travel 2016-09-29 Science classes within Blackthorn Academy are usually led by The Doctor, a Time Lord from another world. He has traveled time and space and knows more about science than anyone else alive. The science labs and classes are the newest additions to the academy and Aldo serve to train the next generation of the free world star fleet.