Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain ROTH Rolls 2020-10-28 To be filled by Michael with potential specific rolls to be filled for ROTH... ROTH Application 2020-10-28 To be filled out by Michael, to keep track of potential members.... ROTH Members 2020-10-28 Ongoing Member Lister The Cleanser Of Worlds, Michael- Jeni Blackwood- Rules for ROTH 2020-10-28 Rule 1. 5 strikes per member. If you get all 5 strikes you will be demoted or removed.Rule 2. No judgement what so ever. No bullying as well. Rule 3. If you have a problem with any member come speak to one of the leaders. Rule 4. Never lie in this kingdom. If you lie punishment will come. Rule 5. Don't rush other members for replies. We all have