Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Starter 2021-02-08 StarterTales of mermaids existed all over the world. Some thought they were beautiful creatures that lured sailors to their deaths with their siren songs. Others thought they were horrific creatures that ate the men they captured. And then some thought they were things from fantasy and Disney movies. Truth was, they were all right. Just like humans Starter 2021-02-08 LA starterTales of mermaids existed all over the world. Some thought they were beautiful creatures that lured sailors to their deaths with their siren songs. Others thought they were horrific creatures that ate the men they captured. And then some thought they were things from fantasy and Disney movies. Truth was, they were all right. Just like hum Starter 2021-02-08 Black Sails/POTC starterTales of mermaids existed all over the world. Some thought they were beautiful creatures that lured sailors to their deaths with their siren songs. Others thought they were horrific creatures that ate the men they captured. And then some thought they were things from fantasy and Disney movies. Truth was, they were all right.