Fan Domain - Blogs Blogs From on Fan Domain Ghost 2018-02-23 The more you work on your clairvoyant skills, the more likely you are to see ghosts and be able to receive messages, words may pop into your head, or ideas come to mind, there are all different types of ghost, some are restless, some lost, some quite content to live in the home they were happy in. Only by allowing your clairvoyant skills to develop Past Lives 2018-02-23 As you are learning to expand your clairvoyant abilities you may also believe in, and be interested in tapping your past lives. Past lives can help you to better understand the life you are now leading, past-life work can help people who have destructive or unworkable habits or behaviors in this lifetime. Even a relationship you are currently in ma Auras 2018-02-23 As you practice you will find that you begin to see auras, some are very bright and vivid, others are dull, and some are barley there, much depends on the energy of the person you are reading. Everyone has a continual energy field and when you are well, happy and in sync with your life, it will be bright and glowing. If you are feeling down and out Psychokinesis 2018-02-23 This is where you can hold a crystal on a chain, and with your mind move the object from left to right, from side to side, backwards and forwards, or in circles, the object is responding to the promptings of the unconscious mind. This helps you to strengthen and enhance your psychic abilities. Psychometry 2018-02-23 With psychometry the energy is trapped within an object, and you are able to tune into the energy contained within, such as thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas of those who have handled the object. This can be a very revealing activity and is something that anyone can learn to do. Information can be gathered from an item that belongs to someone on Clairsentience 2018-02-23 Clairsentience, is when you tune into universal energies, this is where you touch something and have a feeling, such as going to an antique shop and picking up an item that sends a shiver up your spine, or touching an old book and feeling emotional, this can also happen when you go to a museum. What you feel or sense, is your psyche giving you a di Clairvoyance 2018-02-23 Everyone has the ability of clairvoyance, which means ‘clear seeing’, viewing with your psychic eye, this enables you to see into the past, the present or the future. You are perceiving energies that are not tangible, and by opening your third eye you are able to embrace a different type of vision. Through clairvoyance you will have the opportunity